Thursday, September 28, 2006

Cool Videos...

I've linked some of the chemical reaction vidoes we watched in class today - along with some others I thought everyone would like. Some are RealPlayer, some are MediaPlayer, and others are QuickTime - they may not work on everyone's computer, so keep trying.

Sodium and Chlorine - look at salt in a whole new way!

Ice Bomb - freezing water explodes! Weird.

Magnesium and Dry Ice - Very cool...pun intended...

Mercury Heartbeat - one of two elements that are liquid at room teperature, mercury beats like a heart in this reaction.

Variety of Videos - this is the site that had the hydrogen balloon reaction we watched in class


Anonymous said...

those were some pretty cool videos.

I love playing with dry ice the most out of any experiments I've ever done in class, as long as I don't let it touch my skin. Zach accidentally touched dry ice once but not long enough to do anything bad.

Anonymous said...

My favorite one is the one with the ice bomb. That is very cool. Even though I saw it in class I just had to see it again. I would love to try it, but it is way too dangerous.
Naomi Hofman

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the Ice Bomb could be used in a war against a really cold country....


Still cool though.

Anonymous said...

kinda agree with gabriel. They shouldve used that back like when medieval times were around...all u gotta do is rip off the top and BOOM! hypothermia galore!

Anonymous said...

i like your videos so much Mrs. Q!
Ice bomb is awesome!
