It turns out that there is video of Steve Irwin's death. They were filming when his chest was pierced by the stingray barb, as he pulled the barb out, and as he died. Some people feel the video should be used only by the coroner for information for the autopsy. Others feel that it should be shown - some even say that Steve Irwin would've wanted it shown.
What do you think? Should it be shown or not? Whose decision should it be whether or not it gets shown? Would you watch it if it were available? Why or why not?
I think that they should publish it because everyone who knows about his death wants to see what happened. I know i Do
hmmmm. i dont really have that strong of opinion about it, but i guess i think they should show it.
i mean everyone is kinda confused on how exactly it happened so if we could see it, then we would know.
that is kind of desturbing but i guess it is also a good thing so they know exactly what happened to cause his death.i think that it is gross and i would never want to watch that. too bloody probably.
I think it really should not be shown because of the fact that he was killed. If people were killed, you should not show them how they died.
I think they should show it...although u don't have to watch it...Let the people who wants to know show it...Pretty much, it's your decision...
I have mixed feelings - the curious part of me would like to see it (sick, I know - but blood doesn't bother me), but the "mother" part of me worries about his kids - how would you like to see your dad's death played over and over again in the media? Sure, you could protect the kids from it for awhile, but I'm sure it would surface somehow, somewhere.
I think his family should decide whether or not this video should be used. I don't really lean either way, because some people could use it in disrespectful ways, while normal people will just see it and become sad.
It really depends. Frankly, I don't know if this is really needed. Like what Nick said, it really depends on what the family wants. But think about it. We already know he is dead, and who wants to see a stingray barb get pulled out of a heart? Might as well watch "Terminator" again and watch Ahnold do it for us.
Nick and Gabriel - I heard that the family DID want it shown, saying that is what Steve would want, but I can't confirm that.
I think that they should show it because he actually said that if his death was filmed he wanted it to be shown and alot of people want to see it but i wouldnt watch it and i think his family should decide if it is shown or not
It would be sad to see the video but at the same time I'm definetly sure that he would of wanted us to see it which is what every one else keeps saying!(even though it would be kinda gross!!!!ewwwwwww)
I know alot of fans would want to see it and so would I so they should probably get permission from his family and show it
I think it should be published because I'm sure he would have wanted it published. He was a hero to many people. They deserve that much after hes gone. I wouldnt watch it though. Its kind of gorss if you ask me.. but then again, i think everything's gross
Concerning the video, I agree with nick, the desision on weather or not to show the vidio to the general public should be decided by his Imediate family. (I'm guessing they wouldn't want to show it. I would be rather depressing to se your father be killed over and over again to the people that loved him the most. It was a tragic accident and should only live in our memories, not on a roll of film, a Television screen, or a computer screen.
WELL it should be in one of those little specials where they show someones whole entire life in a 2 hour show. i watched one on al was awesome!!! but its only reasonable but they shouldnt put it on the crocadile hunter show because that would be kinda just polain wrong and somewhat disturbing...just watch animal planet and i bet theyll show some stuff on it...or they might just ignore it because the jeff corwin experience is doing better than the crocodile hunter anyways....besides, that show was gonna be the death of him anyways...he asked for it..and ud think hed die from a crocodile, bot a stingray...why would u put stingrays on the crocodile hunter show?well thats austrailia for ya. They should find that stingray and kill him for killing one of the biggest TV personalities in australia!!! although i kinda chuckled at it the morning i found out....hey i couldnt help it because it was kind of a stupid reason to die over a show...or in other words dieing over money. o i say show it in one of his biography shows... i think wed all want to the stingray that murdered the crocodile hunter.......
wow that would be a good title of a book wouldnt it? oh those publishing companies would love it!!!!!!!!!!
noo!!!!!!!!! he died! its so sad. he was so funny and cool with the australian accent and all. i thought he was like immunned to everything
~jane t
oops i meant to put that comment on the other webblog srry but yeah seeing how he dieed would be kinda weird but cool
~jane t
I think it would be sad if he they did show his death,but then again it would be kida awesome if they did show it.I guess I don't really care.
Kayla Johnson
I think it would kind of be cool to see it if he didn't die, but since he did I do not think I want to watch someones death.
Very insightful comments everyone!
Personally I think that they should let it out to the public.Everyone wants to see how he died. I know it is a little disturbing seeing as it is a very important persons ACTUAL DEATH. I mean it would kind of be like a horror movie, except its REAL. However it isnt up to us to say that they HAVE to show it.Whatever his family and friends say they want to do with it, thats what they are going to do, no matter what we all want.
^gaby sutton
i think it is kinda sad that he had died be couse he was a great friend to all his peoples in his shows and be couse he was a father of 2, ya thats right TWO children, and a husband to his wife...wich i don't know her name........
Steve Irwin's wife's name is Terri, and their children's names are Bob and Bindi.
Bob and Bindi. cool names!!!!!!
Personally, i think that Steve Irwin's video of his death should not be shown because think about the whole world someday watching your death and how you died. It is good to know what caused Steve's death, but I just don't think the video should be shown. But hey, if his wife wants to show it, more power to her. It could help visually show people how he died.
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