Did you hear that there was an
earthquake off the coast of Florida on Sunday? It was a magnitude 6.0 (that's pretty strong), and it was centered about 260 miles off the coast of Tampa. People in Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana reported feeling it. Luckily, it was not big enough to trigger a
tsunami. It was the strongest of about a dozen quakes that the region has experienced in the last 30 years.
When I hear the word "
earthquake," I think of California. When I hear "
hurricane," I think of Florida (sorry, Louisiana, despite Katrina, I still think of Florida first). When I hear "
tornado," I think, "Toto, we must be in Kansas" even though Georgia gets its fair share.
I experienced easily a dozen earthquakes while I lived in California - some felt like a truck rumbling by, some made the building roll like a boat, and others were like sharp loud cracks. I was never close enough to an epicenter to experience any real danger. Likewise with hurricanes and tornadoes - I've always been on the outskirts - minor wind damage, but nothing deadly or dangerous.
Probably t

he most famous storm that I was a part of was the
Blizzard of '78 - it shut down the entire east coast for over a week. The snow went up to the roof of my house - my siblings and I could slide off the roof and across the snow in the yard! I remember cross-country skiing to store with my dad to try to buy food - I was also out of school for a week!

What experiences have you had with natural disasters?
Wow...thats pretty awesome =]!!! i wish that would happen here because if it did happen here i would be like "yay" and i'd go crazy or something =] (the blizzard thing, NOT the earthquake..ha) wow i didnt even know about that earthquake! thats scary. Oh, well i was just looking it up right now as i type, and it happened almost in the dead center in the Gulf of Mexico! pretty weird if you think about it
gaby sutton
I went to North Carolina one summer, like I do every summer. On the day of my cousin's wedding there was a really bad storm. My cousins, uncle ,dad, and me were in Wilmington and we were driving to Greensboro. When we were halfway there the radio clicked and told us that there was a tornado warning, and we were near it. Well being a little girl I was freaking out. I had always been afraid of tornadoes, but now we were actually close to one, so i was reallyyyyyy scared. So then the sky turned BLACK and it was windy and every one was really scared. Then it started to rain. Hard. There as lightning too, and thunder. It got heavy and heavy and then BOOM,thunder. Then it got calmer. But if you looked to your right you could see this thing that was touching the sky and the ground. Tornadoe. Well my uncle went as fast as he could and then the tornadoe just passed us, and went away in the other direction. But I have never been that scared in my life...
^gaby sutton
Well, it rained alot in Hurricane Ivan....
Dagnabbit, I don't really have any good Storm Stories! But once, when I was traveling to New York from Pennsylvania, I got caught in a Blizzard and the car got stuck to 5 miles per hour, which was bad since I had to pee...
Nothing really big has happened to me. Maybe an icestorm or bad weather from a hurricane. I think in like 4th grade i slept through an "Earthquake."
I didn't hear about the earthquake. I was in Florida over the weekend with a group of my friends in Disney World. We drove back up here on Sunday. I have never experienced anything major like an earthquake or a tsumai or anything
Matt - I slept through that earthquake a couple years ago, too - I was very disappointed that I missed it. I kind of liked them when they weren't too strong - fun like a roller coaster ride.
I guess we should all be thankful that we haven't experienced anything too severe.
Anyone have any relatives that have stories to share?
woah! u had to slide off ur roof!! that sounds like it was fun! i have never been apart of a big natural disaster but i have been in one minor earth quake. it was in 5th grade and was really little like a 1 on the scale probably!
OH!!!!! I remember that small little earthquake too in 5th grade! I like woke up in the middle of the night screaming because I thought someone was knocking down my house. ha-ha well thats my cool story but I also think I saw a tornado once.
I was in FL for a hurricane 2 years ago. It was pretty bad. It would rain all the time and thunder. The house was all protected and stuff so was no harm to the neighboor or anyt of thatt. But it was still pretty scary.
did u know that i would be clueless about the world if i didnt go on ur site? i mean i wouldnt even know it if we would die like the next day. yeah well earthquakes scare me for some odd reason.
jane t
that is really scary you could die from that that is not cool it is !horrible!
Thats prertty amazing. Luckily no tsunami.
¥Ü¥ <---My sign
Hey Mrs. Q i thought this might be a topic. I was in library when i came across a book that talks bout alchemy. Like putting this sutff in and this stuff happening and drawign stuff and this stuff happening. You think any of that stuff is real? i mean it does defy science.
ahh..the icestorm in gwinnett county, no power for three days, so all the food in the fridge got moldy oh my god...that was my natural disaster.
ohhhhh!!! I remember that ice storm! I went outside one day of it and got my tongue stuck on an ice sickle and then the ice sickle fell on my head. cool.
I really cannot recall of any huge natural disasters I have experienced in my lifetime. In Georgia these past few years, we have had a slight earthquake, but I didn't even wake up. I remember my parents telling me when i was either just born or was one years old, there was a huge snow storm in GA. If you think about it, its so rare to even SEE snow here now. If i can recall, i think this took place Jan. of '93, but I am not positive.
i have no stories! ive never been in a hurricane, tsunami, earthquake, hmmmm.
Yes! I have technically been in a tornado here. We went in the basement and came back out. Amazing story!
Loren - you need to be careful - you seem to get hurt in strange ways!
Bethany - I remember the blizzard in '93 (it wasn't nearly as much snow as the one in '78, but it was pretty good for the South). My family live in a house in Marietta Square that was divided into three apartments. One apartment had a fireplace; we had lots of food because we had just gone shopping, and the other apartment had lots of card and board games. All three families hung out in the part of the house with a firplace - we ate our food and played our neighbors games - for about three days! It was really fun.
tommy - I'm not sure what you're talking about, but tell me more, and I'll find out!
My dad told me about a snow storm in '93! he said it happened like in october or something. he said it was right after I was born and we moved here from New Orleans!
No. I find that I used 2 get hurt in strange ways when I was young. Now I only get hurt in normal ways!HEE-HEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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