As several students have posted already, the sad news is that Steve Irwin, the "Crocodile Hunter" died today while filming a new show in Australia. He was 44.
He was killed in a freak accident - a sting ray's barb pierced his chest and made a hole in heart. Sting rays barbs, while painful, are rarely fatal. This was the first death by sting ray in Australia in nearly 60 years.
A a self-proclaimed science geek, I loved his show - I loved his enthusiasm for science and nature in general, and animals in particular. He made science fun, entertaining, and "cool."
He will be missed.
You can read more information here at CNN.com and here at AJC.com (you may need to register at the AJC site, but it's free).
What a shame.....
First I get sick, then I have to see my favorite crazy dude die.
oh my gosh! thats so sad! i LOVED the croc hunter. he was so good at finding dangerous animals and showing you close ups of them. i remember one time when i watched one of his episodes when he was wrestling an alligator..i thought that man would never die! well, he will definatly be mourned over!
An update - apparently they have video of him first removing the barb, and then dying. He probably didn't realize how bad it was.
Because he came into our lives through TV (a very powerful medium) it feels like you really knew him. I feel sorry for his wife, Terri, and his two children.
...wow i dnt know there was a sunami this year!!
I think that him dying is very sad. He made me aware of lots of animals that i had never heard of. He also made science very interesting.I feel bad for his family, it's going to be hard for them.
I am sad that he died..It sucks because he died from a stingray while filming his new movie...he've done many works with more dangerous animals..I think it's a ripoff..I also feel bad for their family who didn't know the devasting event.
Naomi - I agree - he's done so many more dangerous things - this was such a fluke!
I'm so sad!!!!! He was like so cool. I LOVED his show, I would watch it all the time and now he cant make any new shows.How sad. I feel I learned a lot from him about animals from him.I feel so bad for his family!
Steve irwan was awesome. i thought all of the stuff he did was cool. but I always knew he would die doing his job. Its a shame it was a sting ray not a croc.
He shouldn't have died like that.
It makes me sad to loose someone like him.
The entire thing was just so sudden. One day he's wranging crocks, and the next day he's killed by a Sting Ray. At least he wasn't killed by an aligator or a crock. (Everyone would say "I told you his job would one day get him killed.") While his job did ultimatly lead to his death, it wasn't a bite that did it, It was a sting. By one of the "Worlds Most Dangerous Sea Creatures" (The name of the show he was filming for when he was stabbed.
9:40 AM
Brianna - I am only 40, and I agree 100% - it is way too young to die!
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