Yes. It's a girl. She's so CUTE!!! And, no, I'm not going to say what she is, but I will include a link here (I'm sure most of you can guess what I'm talking about).
In other news...
If you fix it, they will come?
Naomi (1st) period posted the following
"...I just wanted to comment about the New Orleans Saints. Today is their first homegame in the dome since Hurricane Katrina. There are two sides to this story.First of all I will begin with the bad side of it. All this money was spent on the dome instead of the cleanup of the city. Most of the homes that got destroyed are still there. The good si

I was watching the game, and they mentioned that it was FEMA money that went toward the rebuilding of the dome. They also mentioned that 1/4 of the current population of the city was in attendance at the game tonight (and they looked HAPPY). Additionally, they mentioned that something in the neighborhood of $10 million dollars flowed into the city tonight because of the game.
I know there were people who were unhappy that money went to the Superdome before it went to fix houses, but New Orleans is a tourist city, and if the tourists have no reason to come and spend their money, then the city is in even worse shape.
Not only did it give New Orleanians something to be happy about and enjoy, it brought much needed money and a renewed awareness of how far the city has come, as well as how far it still needs to go.
"...I walk the line..."

I walk the line? More like I walk the brine! *people start groaning*
It is a beautiful thing they are rebuilding that dome, though I seriously wonder whether they can successfully rebuild New Orleans...
And I give up with the pandas. They seem to have won this battle...
Yay!!!! More panda post! She is so cute! I wonder when the public is going to get to see her at the zoo?When at what do you think she will be named?
Gabriel - hee, hee, that was funny.
Loren - I agree, she is adorable! I'm not sure when they are going to name her, but I'll keep you posted when I find out.
It says in the AJC that the cub is expected to be named 100 days after birth. This is part of a chinese custom. The name will be released to the public in late December or early January.
The panda is soo cute!!
Too bad for you Gabriel! Pandas rule!!
Naomi Hofman
Omg its so cute!
Did they name it yet??
Oh sorry, i didnt read the comments
Thanks for the research, Naomi - after reading your comment, I do recall seeing that when the panda was first born.
She is so adorable! Be sure to check out some of the videos on the zoo site also - they're great.
stop!! stop with the pandas!!! its torture!!!!! *cries and sobs*pandas...just too much. too much..*sobs more then puffs his chests out and wipes his tear from his eye* wait ima man! and men dont cry gosh darnit!!!!!!
Was that their first baby panda or have they had others?
its actually looking like a panda now -.-
know who i am based on my sign
i think the pandas are cute as babies. whats up with that video abou the pandas. all it is, is the mom licking the newborn baby. well other than that the panda site was prenty interresting. keep sending cool sites
luke the cook
What is with boys and pandas???
i also cheched out that suduko game and its pretty chalenging. thanks for telling a new good game. if you want to check out another go to yahoo sign in or up and go to games and play an old chinese game called go. so go check it out. thanks again for the game
luke the cook
I think its great that they rebuilt the Super Dome so soon. Think about it, if they didn't rebuild it by now and they had the choice to, there would probably be un-countable numbers of people angry about it, or at least more than right now.
But, I'm pretty upset that the Falcons let the Saints beat 'em so bad.
Yeah it is good that they rebuilt the superdome, and to go along with connor's idea people probably would be way more upset if the superdome could have been built and they chose not to.
The little panda is so cute.
These Pandas get on my nerves...
"Countdown" on MSNBC actually did segment on the "baby panda boom" and all the press attention the cute little guys are getting.
I loved it!
I think the baby is cute, I think they should name after an important woman in Georgia or chinese history. That would show that we care about China because we'd honor them with the name of one of the first pandas born in the United States
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