One last panda post...
Revenge of the Endangered Panda:
In China, a drunken man jumped into a panda's cage, so that he could touch the bear. Instead, he startled the bear, who ended up biting him. The man tried to bite him back! Needless to say, the panda won, and the man ended up getting stitches. Read more here.
In other science news, the space shuttle Atlantis arrived safely back on Earth after a construction mission to the International Space Station. More...
The Pandas are everywhere, the Pandas are everywhere!
BUt really, that is kinda funny. Serves the dummy right. I bet he tried to feel a tiger tooth...in a tiger.
Gabriel - I thought you might find it amusing ;-)
Ya. That dude seems really smart. It really is amuzing! I would love 2 see a video of that! ha
hehehe... but still... we have people who wrestle crocodiesl
well at least they are intelligent people who actually know how to wrestle crocs, and not some random dude out of nowhere that just walks up and jumps on top of a crocodile and starts to wrestle it( or in this case tries to bite a panda back!?) how stupid can someone get? no offense or anything.
They can get pretty stupid...
these freaking pandas are everywhere!!! its an epidemic!!!!! *barf again*
stop with them pandas!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAA!!! i better get out of here before i barf again.
that man is so freaking dumb.
mrs. q, comes monday ur gonna hate to what comes next =P
Yes, i think it is unanimous the man was a fool. And also yes, this website is obsessed with pandas.
You guys are so weird! what is so wrong with pandas? I think Ms Q should make another blog about pandas cause I think they are interesting!( and 2 just annoy all the guys)!!!!!ha!
Who are you, dlwlgks? I can't give you credit if I don't know who you are!
Nick, I'm not obsessed about pandas; they have just been in the news a lot lately (and there haven't been other good topics to blog about).
Something else will happen in the world, and then we will all move on...
Like a Nuclear War!
That's insanity. The next topic will probably be something like,
"Tsunami in China", not a nuke war.
haha that dude isnt very smart is he!
well, that's another lesson about drinking responsibly
That story seems like something unreal but that is still funny and he deserves what he got.
Yeah, this guy was pretty stupid to jump on the panda and bite it. It's a good thing he wasn't driving, or he would be dead now.
I feel bad for this panda. He's probably going to be really nervous around people for a long time since that man jumped on him.
That would have been really funny to watch, I would have laughed so hard!
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