Sunday, March 09, 2008

Spring Forward; Fall Back

I hate Daylight Saving Time...I know, I know, it's nice that it is currently 7:15PM and still light - I get it. But tomorrow, when it's 7:15 AM, it will still be dark...and I hate waking up in the dark!

We not saving any daylight at all - the number of hours of daylight has nothing to do with how we humans choose to set our clocks. Having the switch take place before the spring equinox (equinoxes are the two days a year when day and night hours are equal) is sort of silly, in my opinion. The rationale is that it saves energy.

Want to know more? Here's a good site that talks about the history and reasons for the change. You can also reead about it at Wikipedia. Finally, you can ask Bill Nye the Science Guy!

It takes me about a week to adjust - and I spend that week pretty grumpy, to boot! How about you - do you like the switch? Do you hate it? Do you even notice?


Anonymous said...

i like daylight savings time sometimes. i hate losing an hour-it really messes me up. it takes forever to get used to it. but i LOOOOOVE gaining an hour. being able to sleep an extra hour is fantastic. i also think daylight savings is kinda cool...when you lose an goes straight from like 11:59 to 1:00. theres like no midnight! WOWWIE! so i think thats pretty cool. ok thats it bye.


Anonymous said...

I like the spring side of daylight savings because waking up in the dark makes me feel like im waking up early and working hard and getting something done during the day. When i wake up and its light out i feel like im late and then when it gets dark early im still rushing to do stuff cause i think its like mid-night but its only 6!

James Bullard

Sana Y said...

I really like it when the clock has to be set an hour after... I get to sleep an extra hour! Hooray!
But when it loses an hour, that really gets on my nerves. It seems like I am doing every thing earlier than usual, but its actually on the right time.
I am pretty surprised to see that people actually like Daylight Savings...

Sana Yasmeen♥
3rd Period

Anonymous said...

I agree that it's pretty cool how there is no midnight that night. But, I have to say that the whole transition throws me off my schedule and makes me mad. I do not enjoy the switch and really hate it when that time rolls around.

Unknown said...

I really didn't understand the daylight savings time when I came to US. But later I thought it was cool. I like it because during the period of March and September you can stay up late at night and you won't realize the time and its like we get extra time in the evening. Sometimes I think it is not helpful because we might forget to change the time and might oversleep and miss school.

Whoever invented this, I think that person was not punctual, so he wanted more time and he invented this so called "daylight savings time."

I think daylight savings is very beneficial but also a disadvantage to our community.

I also have this doubt.....

Do other countries in other parts of world have daylight savings time????????????

Unknown said...

You have a nice dog Mrs. Q

Unknown said...

I saw the picture in the home page

Does that comment count as an effort point????????
(the one Before this Comment)

Josh Jacobs said...

I HATE daylight savings time. Phew... Now that that's off my ches, I feel better. I dislike the loss of an hour, and the fact that it stays lighter out is a plus, but a prefer the sleep. :D I do NOT understand the need for DST. We don't save any power, and most people dislike the loss of sleep, and I AM one of them!

Anonymous said...

sometimes its weird.. sometimes i dont notice. i always like the one in the fall though!
when i started posting this i thought i had something to say but it turns out its related to leap years instead. but im going to write about it anyway! in israel they dont have an extra day in february.
1. they dont have february (they use a lunar calendar)
2. they let the hours accumulate enough to have a whole extra month
i think thats pretty cool, dont you?


Mrs. Q. said...

Platner - cool fact - I didn't know that!

Aravind - many countries (and even some states) don't have DST - some don't need to (like those near the equator) - some have it, but in our winter, because they are south of the equator and the seasons are opposite ours.