Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Online Quizzes

Click here or here to access some online quizzes. Want some CRCT practice? Try here. After submitting your answers, you can e-mail the results to me for credit. Need some math practice? Try these.

Good luck!


Unknown said...

Hi Mrs. Quenan
I looked at some of these and they look kind of hard.
Can we do some quizes in brain pop
Does that count as a grade??????

Tali said...

Hey Mrs. Quenan!!

The Quenster. The Quenanator!

Just taking some nicknames for a test drive. So I think Will It Blend? is an extremely legitimate scientific experiment. I mean this guy is seeing how hard it is to blend stuff in a huge, powerful blender! I'd love to do that. Uhh okay bye!

lindsey said...


I really like this video cuz then we get to see all this dangerous stuff blend! I would really love it if we were able to do this in school cuz then you would probably be the coolest teacher ever! Plus you could tell and explain why something happens. Then that lab would be sure to grab and keep all our attention! But you might want to watch out for that Austin kid, he would be the one to keep a close eye on!! LOL oh well, CHAO!!!!


suckstobeyou said...

Hi ppl im bored and i did everything on the blog....hi Lindsey

this video was coolio man thats all i can think of ill type later

Mrs. Q. said...

Hey all - watch where you post your comments - these are technically on the post about the online quizzes (that doesn't mean I'm not counting them - don't worry).

The comment link is BELOW the topic, not above.

Anonymous said...

hey people!!!
Will It Blend? is... pretty much amazing..
its almost as cool as lemons..
we should do a Will Mrs. Quenan blend it? during class and we can blend lemons!!
we can make it scientific by saying at each point which kind of mixture it is and stuff like that.. i dont thing we can blend lighters though. that would be dangerous.

well byebye

Mrs. Q. said...

We could do a Will It Blend parody - that could be really fun. I don't have a blender that good, though - and I'm definitely not blending bic lighters!