Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Total Solar Eclipse - Egypt

Total solar eclipse (29/03/2006) as seen from Salum, Egypt. The pictures of the totality come from a video camera and from a sequence of images taken with a Canon 300D + Konus 500mm f/5.6@100ISO.


Anonymous said...

I love the awesome african like music Ms.Q!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yaah! A video about ECLIPSES that we saw in class! Yaah!

Anonymous said...

Saw it. I was slightly disappointed because I thought it would be in real-time, not just a sudden image of the eclipse. Like the camera would be on the sun, and you would see the moon go over it, and then BOOM! ECLIPSE!

Anonymous said...

Im sry this is so random Ms.Q, but havent u noticed that gums are named after,like space stuff? Like orbit gum and eclipse gum. I think thats really funny!

Anonymous said...

Excellent observation! But what about Trident gum? Or Bazooka Bubble Gum?

Wait, I think Trident is the name of a moon...


Anonymous said...

And the music is Middle Eastern, not African. :P

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and my two questions are:

1. What is the estimated maximum water rise on the coast?

2. Why are hurricanes strengthened by Warm Waters (aka Global Warming)?

Anonymous said...

W/e. It sounds african and trident is one of jupiters moons!

Anonymous said...

Here are my 2 questions Ms.Q!
1.How does the carbon stay trapped in the permafrost instead of floating away?
2.They said that hurricanes are increasing because of the warming waters due to global warming.Why is this?

Anonymous said...

I thought the video was very interesting. When will the next lunar or solar ecplise come that people in Georgia will be able to see? Also, how long to eclipses tend to last?

Anonymous said...

oo yes i agree with zach, i think seeing an eclipse would be really neat!!! and also, i love the music in the video =]
do people really waste their money on plane tickets to see an eclipse when they can just wait until another one comes to where they live? i think thats kinda stupid...

Anonymous said...

I wish that i could see an eclipse without having to go anywhere. That video is pretty cool but everything else in the video is very random.

Anonymous said...

the video is cool. the eclipse is always fun to see. if only we could see them from where we are

Anonymous said...

solar eclipses have always been sweet to look at, I personnally have never looked at one before and I'm really looking to seeing one someday. The movie was also pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

So its not possible to stay in one place and see it?
That sucks :(
Is there a telescope taht you can use to see it?
Oh well, when you see in real life its probably the saem as ms q's video just not as hot and tired of waiting (well for me i have to wait forever for it to buffer)