Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Iceman - Today's "Cool" Topic!

In most classes today we watched a short video on Otzi, the 5,000 year old frozen body found in the Alps in 1991. The video focused on how scientists researched the Iceman and then inferred what his life was like.

A few interesting links:

The Iceman's Last Meal

Death of the Iceman

The Iceman (and other mummies)



Anonymous said...

EEEEWWWWWWW! He looks like a celebrity after a 5,000 chemical peel!

Anonymous said...

wow...i need to take note that when im about to eat i should NEVER look at that. sick...

JEFF H!!! of 3rd period =P
Quote of the week: Y'all is like a curse word to me. except when i say it i dont get yelled at by the nearest adult

Anonymous said...

i thought the movie we saw a couple days back was very interesting!
except for pictures like that make me just a bit sick to my stomach...

Mrs. Q. said...

Sarah - I agree, it's a little "icky" to look at, but when you start thinking about all the things we can learn, then you kind of forget...

Anonymous said...

i dont thinkpeopleshould b so angery that pluto isnt aplanet anymore because its can change because the theory or hypothisis could change and in this case the hypothisis was wrong

Mrs. Q. said...

Ashley - yuo are correct - one thing about science is that as we learn new things, we have to re-evaluate old ideas. It drives some people crazy, but that's what science is!

Anonymous said...

I think it's interesting to see what a body looked like 5000 years ago. Although it is a little weird it's cool to see what happened to him and what he was doing while he died.

Anonymous said...

i loved the movie we saw!! it was very interesting. that is really cool how they found the oldest person. wouldnt that be a little unhygenic?? eww

Anonymous said...

I dont think its that bad.Just suprising how the ice preserved it for the long. Well,luckily it wont come back and haunt us like in the Mummy Returns. ¥Ü¥

Anonymous said...

That is a sick picture..He does look frozen for a thousand of years...

Anonymous said...

the movie was interesting... but he is a little disgusting. It is interesting to learn about what he was like and what he did and ate back then.

Anonymous said...

Thats pretty cool how all that stuff could be preserved and in the same place after all that time.

Anonymous said...

eww! that pict is really creepy plz take it off not really tho but it is ug

~jane t

Anonymous said...

Its interesting,but sick at the same time.

Kayla Johnson from 2nd period

Mrs. Q. said...

I think it's disgusting, yet fascinating, too!

Anonymous said...

URRRRRRRRRGH that is so nasty it makes me sick but Hey look at all the new things they can learn about the ice man...or woman...or both...