What are some questions you have about the universe?
What will happen to the sun in the future? What is a black hole? What would it be like to travel to one? How do we learn about things so far away?
These questions and more will be explored through the online activities linked to this site.
After you complete the activities, post a power writing comment (1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1) about three things you've learned today - make it original!
First, let's explore spectra. Once you launch the interactive page, you will see questions marks above a wavelength graph. Your mission will be to correctly match the mystery wavelengths with the spectra of certain elements to determine the composition of the sun. If you succeed and have more time, try Jupiter, the Orion Nebula, and the galaxy.
Next, let's learn a little about the life cycle of a star. All stars start in a cloud of gas and dust called a nebula. If conditions are right, fusion will begin and a star is born. What happens next depends upon the mass of the star. Explore what happens to both a star with a mass like the sun and a larger star. What about our sun?
One of the most fascinating objects in the universe is the black hole. Scientists still don't understand everything there is to know about these space mysteries. We do know that black holes form as the last part of the life of a very large star, and those stars must have much more mass than our sun. The objects are black because they are so dense, and have so much gravity that they pull in everything - even light.
Finally, scientists have categorized stars based on their luminosity and temperature. The chart used is called the Hertzsprung-Russell, or H-R diagram, after the scientists who designed it. Most stars fall on the main sequence, a diagonal line going from the upper left to the lower right of the chart. Stars on the main sequence are in their "middle age" and generally follow the rule of "hotter equals brighter; cooler eqauls dimmer. Not all stars follow this rule - those not in the main sequence are the stars in old age, or dying stars. These would be stars like red giants and white dwarfs. Learn how to use it here and here.
More to explore:
Excellent site on black holes with good information. Be sure to check out a black hole "up close and personal" as well as experiment with one here.
Experiment with how a black hole bends light and space here. Just click on the picture and see how the black hole bends light. Change the mass and see the effect! Also see what it might look like to travel into a black hole here.
NASA's Starchild - excellent site with lots of info - and also in Portuguese!
Windows to the Universe - another excellent site - and also in Spanish!
Remember - click on comments below, and add yours! Still more questions? Ask those as well - maybe someone will be able to answer it.
This is where you will leave your power writing reflection.
Mrs. Q.
I really like this site i think is very creative.
And i learn alot from it ..
Jessica S
I learnded a lot about space in science class today.One thing I learned in science was that black holes go through a lot to get to that stage.Also what goes in never comes out which is very intesesting.Last but not least,the Earth is super tiny copared to the sun and a black hole.All in all todays science class with Mrs.Quenan was great!
ashley sanders wrote the one above without a name
I learned on how a black hole can be formed.First, a black hole was a BIG star. Then once it turns a white dwarft.Second, if a space ship goes into a black hole. The space shipe will stretch and so will the people inside.Last but not least, blacks holes have so much gravity. That whatever comes there way it will pull it in.That's what I learned about blacks holes.
1st period,3/14/07
Veronica Saldana
I learned a lot today. First, about black holes. That what goes in never comes out and they dont know what happens to it. Next, I learned about the star patern. How some of the stars are scatered around and it makes kindof a color pattern. Finally, i saw how the black hole is so big and the earth is so small compaired to it. well this was a great lesson!!!!!
Oh and the sites were sooooooooo AWESOME MRS. Q!
love yah,Veronica
Victor Rico I learn how old the sun is. And how star become black holes. And olso that biggest star are cold than small stars. I think that this is very cool.
I learnd about blackholes and spectra.Blackholes are holes that are black and you get sucked into.A spectra is when it separate light and change white light to colored light.Blackholes can suck in anything that come in his path.
Without spectra we would't have colored light.Eldridge Ursin
I learned about the black hole and it opens and closes.I learned that the sun is a star and a spectrum seperates light.It is the one that changes white light to different colors.The spactrum is made up of Visible light,Ultraviolet,and so on.Maurice Abdur-rahim
Black holes are very phenomenon. Black hole are formed by stars. When the star has big mass it turns to a super nova. Stars might become white dwarf then become a black dwarf. This happen when it has low mass. When a super nova explodes it becomes a black hole.
A black hole sucks in everything, not even light can escape. Thats why black hole are very cool.
By; Fernando Neto
There are three intresting things I learned about today.One, I learned that the biger the star is it has a deffernt out come.If the start is a really raelly big star it will eventualy become a blackhole.Two, that black dwarfs dont truly exist.Instaed they are just white dwarfs that burn there fuel untile the end of time.Three, that a black hole still has much to be learned about.For instance that if you were to enter a black hole if you would be streched into nothing or jump through space through a wormhole.Those are three things I learned today.
By: Jonathan Hausman
Jose Rico:
This was so cool to learn about the stars and the blackholes asd their light.
I learn how the stars work and the mass and some souds and how the stars become black holes and how they work and their light.
Thats what I learn about it.
The cool things i learned today.About the balck hole.My favorite on the black hole it cygnus x-1.My second favorite is about the last time of the stars lick our sun and other stars.my favorite is what happen to super massive sun which turn to black hole.The last thing is is what will happen in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.In that time it will be the dark era were it is pitch black everywere.This is what i learned in class today.
By:Rick Peck
I learned many things to day.One of the things i learned was that black holes are the end of a masseve stares life. Black holes have a lot of gravity which means that it pulles evey thing to them.The second thing i learned was that stars like our sun will become white dorths.The sun will become red giant then lastly it will become a white dowrth then die.the last thing i learned about sprecta.Sprecta are ways that sientes find more about the stars.
Thies are something I learned today.
Nathana Silva
oday i have learned a lot about a lot of things one i learned the most about is a Blackhole. A blackhole sucks in light so it's really hard to find one. Another thing i learned about is the life a star. Depending on the mass of a star that depends on how it will die and if it will create a blackhole. The last thing i learned is how the universe began and how its going to end. It is going to blow up in a 10 google years. And when it happens the Universe will end. But we will be dead by then
John Allison
I learned are sun will become a star.Eventually the sun will die.That The larger stars will become Black Holes. The sun will become a Red Giant.I was very interested in learning about th e black hole. I did not know about all of this until this blog was created.
i leaned about the black hole in the distance from earth til the dawf planet.And that the mass of the bigger stars will become black holes.And thet the star will die, or turn to a red giant.In i thought the black hole was very cool.i like it because it had fansitnating picture it gave real glaxy feeling. bye mrs. q
tretretretretretretretretretretrettretretrterte wazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz up mrs.q nice webbbbbbbbsite mrs. q learned sun is a bigggg star i learned ethe sun will become red gaint a
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www.myspace.com tre alle lol aknd alf sdjhdvf akabf sajfdbd;dbdfa;f gflabalblbgfgabf
I learnd about blackholes and spectra.Blackholes are holes that are black and you get sucked into.A spectra is when it separate light and change white light to colored light.Blackholes can suck in anything that come in his path.
Without spectra we would't have colored light.
by:rick peck
Today I learned about black holes and how they are made. first they are formed.they can turn into a black hole,or a white dwarf. another thing I learned is people dont really know what would happen if you drove a ship into one. One theory is it could go to a differend demension.the last thing I did is I played a game that took me to a black hole.I learned how fast I had to go. I had fun doing those activities.
I learnded a lot about space in science class today.One thing I learned in science was that black holes go through a lot to get to that stage.Also what goes in never comes out which is very intesesting.Last but not least,the Earth is super tiny copared to the sun and a black hole.All in all todays science class with Mrs.Quenan was great!
rick peck
I really like this site i think its very interesting. I think that the site that you can see in portugese is very interesting and creative. This is a great site to explore and have fun with it...
One thing that i learned is...
That one of the most fascinating object in the universe is the black hole.All stars start in a cloud of gas and dust called a nebula.
Second thing that i learned is...
If conditions are right, fusion will beginand a star is born. Scientist still don't understand everything there is to know about these space mysteries.
Ana Fiorini
Dustin Woodall
Today in class I learned quite a few things. One thing that I learned was that to make a black hole there must be a star bigger than our own. It grows into a red giant, then to a black hole.
learned on how a black hole can be formed.First, a black hole was a BIG star. Then once it turns a white dwarft.Second, if a space ship goes into a black hole. The space shipe will stretch and so will the people inside.Last but not least, blacks holes have so much gravity. That whatever comes there way it will pull it in.That's what I learned about blacks holes.
rick peckeck
Today I learned many things such of the sun,black holes,and the stars.I learned that the sun is smaller than a red giant.When you see the sun next to the red giant you wont belive how small it is and the earth is really small like a dot.Another thing i learned is about black holes.Black holes are made of dead stars. The last thing I is that stars.The stars are made of fuled.This what i leared today
This is where you post your comments.
Mrs. Q.
i really enjoyed your lil site becuz it help me learn more about planets and space.i didnt know anythin about planets or space put now i don because your website helped me.THANK YOU MRS.Q
There are many things that I have learned from this website about the stars in our galaxy. One thing that I have learned is that massive stars burn hotter and faster than stars that are not as massive. Supernovaes are caused by these kind of stars. The second thing that I learned about the stars in our galaxy is that they must be three times bigger than our sun to turn into a black hole.
Stars smaller will turn into a white dwarf. The last thing that I learned about the stars in our galaxy is that when massive stars have alot of light, it takes weeks for the hydrogen to exhaust. This makes the light that is coming from the star dull. These are all the things that I have learned about the stars in our galaxy.
What I learned about our lesson today is. 1)The stars are born out of huge clouds of molecular gas.2)The other cool,mysterious factI learned about is The the stars must be 3 times as large as put own sun before they collapse too big hole.3)The last thing I learned is A star can live up to 10 billion years old.That is what I learned today,plus many more.
I learned about the many things that space contains. One of the many things is stars. The neat thing about stars is that they start as super novas. Another thing that I learned about is black holes. There are many different ideas on what happens to a ship if it were to enter one. The last thing that I learned is that you can see the sun differently through different lenses. The x-ray one makes everything look red. These are the many things that I learned about space. Emily Fan
Today i learned a lot. I learned an intersting theory that might happen after you enter a black hole. You might be pulled in to another dimension. I learned the life of a star. First its a star then a red giant the it might collapse on itself and become a black hole. I learned that nothing can escape a black hole. Not even light. Your blog is off the meat rack!
Things that I learned are very interesting to my science portfolio.There are more than one gaxly.Like the quasar gaxly.Also that only very massive stars can become black holes.Like our sun will not be a black hole.Also black holes are very interesting. They strecnth things out inside of them.That's what i learned today in my favorite science class.
Sam Glover
I've learned alot today on this website.I learned that the earth is so much smaller than the sun and the black hole. Also black holes will stretch a spcae ship which is really weird but i really lik this website it helped me see what everything really looks like
Hey i learned a lot today jus frm yo website.At first i didnt kow a6out planets or space now i do.yo we6site is fun and it also help u learn more a6out planets and space.
1.how to graph planets
2.a lot of things a6out tha 6lack whole
3.wen tha ship went 2 tha 6lack whole how tha ship would function wen it get close 2 tha 6lackwhole(changes it would make)
I learned that if a ship was to go through a black hole, that it wouldn't explode because it doesn't have a lot of pressure. And also there is a chart to determine the lumionosity of a star and temperature. And also there would be a lot of red giants and white dwarfs. And also that when scientists want to explore galexies, they can't always rely on space missions. Instead they have to resort to the primarly scientific method. And that Alpha Centuari is the closetest star system to the sun.
by Vanessa Peay
Well what I learned is that science is alot of raeding and alot of work.A star has many stages in its life and smaller stars live longer than bigger stars.And a supernova has to be three times as big as the sun to become a blackhole,but the mass is still there.And the earth is very very small compared to the sun and a black hole.And three main theories.
today, i have learned three new things about space. First, i learned about the black hole. the black hole can make a space ship flat by the gravity of the ship. Next, i learned about the sun. In a couple of billions years, our sun will eat venus, mercury. Finally, i learned about wavelengths. Every element has a different wavelength. for example helium has 410. There are the things i learned in science class today. KELVIN OFEI
I have learned three things today that would be good to write down in my science portfolio. First, I learned some things about our sun. In a couple of billions of years, our sun is going to eat Mercury and Venus. It is going to become a white dwarf planet too. Second, I learned about black holes. If we were to send a ship into one, it would look as if it were outside of the black hole from our view. It would actually be in the black hole and it would be streched out. Third, I learned that the Milky Way is not the only galaxy in our solar system. There is another galaxy named Quesar. It is very similar to ours. This is what I learned today and I had fun doing it. GOOD DAY MATE. By: Dorion McMickens
I learned about alot of different thing in space. First, I learned about wavelengths. Each different element included in the sun, nebulas, and galaxies have their own wavelentghts in the spectrum. Second, I learned about the life cycle of a star. If it's a high mass star, it goes: star, protostar, middle age star, super red giant, then supernova. Last, I learned about black holes. It's like a hole in space that sucks up anything, even light! That is what I learned.
~Lisa =]
This is where third period will post comments.
Mrs. Q.
i learned that black holes have 3 possiblilities when u enter them.
the 1st 1 is you will get so thin that you will become part of the singularity.2nd is you will be blasted out of the black hole in a blast of light.the last thought is you will be sent to another dimension or another part of the galaxy provided you survive the immense gravity.That is what i hav learned about black holes
I learned a few new things about space and black holes today. I learned about the chemichal compsition of the sun. It contains iron magnesium and other elements. I also learned about the life of stars. It starts out as a yello star and the procedes to become an orange star then, I becoms a red giant. Finally I learned about black holes and the theories about them. Scientists beleive that there is a possability black holes creating a time warp or worm-holes. This is what I learned about stars and black holes.
hmmm you wanna know what the crap i learned about stars...well shame on...my dog. anyways why do you torture us like this? we're like going to die out here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
annyways heres my power writing MRS. PETERSON
I learned several new things about space and black holes today. I learned about what kind of minerals are in the sun and got to classify them. Our sun has iron, magnesium, and some others that i cant quite seem to remember. I also learned that gravity in a black hole is so great, that if you flew a ship in there it would be stretched and probably crushed. There are several theries about this however. The life of stars was also learned about today. A star eventually turns into a red giant, and then a black hole. That is what i learned about in science today in the computer lab.
With great hatred and some minor likeness with almost no love but a shortage of the hatred,
I learned a few new things about space and black holes today. I learned about the chemichal compsition of the sun. It contains iron magnesium and other elements. I also learned about the life of stars. It starts out as a yello star and the procedes to become an orange star then, I becoms a red giant. Finally I learned about black holes and the theories about them. Scientists beleive that there is a possability black holes creating a time warp or worm-holes. This is what I learned about stars and black holes.
posted at 12:27 pm avery leong
I learned alot of stuff. First i learned that there is a black hole in the middle of our solar system. Its gravity keeps everything together, like the milky way and such. Second I learned black hole are formed when a star collapses. Since they use gravity and nuclear fusion for power they usually cancel each other out but eventually gravity gets stronger and messes up the nuclear fusion making a big explosion, after which a black hole is made. Finally i learned that the sun is middle aged. It will eventually get to much helium and to little hydrogen causeing it to expand then collapse under its weight. Thats what i learned.
Tyler Krebsbach 3rd period
Today i learned many intersting things.First, I learned that the biger the star is it has a deffernt out come.If the start is a really raelly big star it will eventualy become a blackhole. Secondly, I learned about black holes. Black holes are holes you can get sucked into.The last thing I learned, is about Spectar. i learned how to analyze spectra,spectra is color.
By: Felicia HArris 3rd period
i learned many things in SCIENCE class... HORRAY!
first i learned all of the cycles of our so called giant star, the SUN!
also when ever a something gets cought in a blackhole it goes to a whole new diff demention....
haha one last thing it never comes back and it's strechted into many peaces...
today was very Ummmm...gay =], i mean YAY!!! =] =] =] =]
Lucas Barbosa
i learned many things about spaces, solar system etc. first of all i learned that our sun will not be a black hole like other star does. because our sun is not very large. that there are many black holes in the universe. only big stars can form a black hole. i also learned how does a star forms into a black hole. black holes are very large and pulls things towards it. i learned many useful things today. thanks Mrs. q that was so great. Suman Rijal
Well today I learned a lot of thing btu im just goint to tell u three!! The firs thing I learned to day was about blackholes. The second thing I learned was the star life process. THe last thing that I learned was that things that go to in the blackhole stretch! Well these are the main things I learned
3rd period
i really enjoyed the site. What learned about the site is that stars take over a hundred to a thousand years to be born. It start offs as a prostar. Also what i learned about the blackhole is it goes through many different cycles.The blackhole is really black i had saw a diagram with the sun, the earth, and the blackhole together. the sun and earth is smaller then the blackhole if it had grew.
Arieanna R.
I learned a lot of things about Space like black hole, that the star needs to be 3 times bigger then the sun to happen a supernova.
Black holes are when something enters on it will not come back,
and the Earth is very very small
compared to the sun and a star.
Kaique Maia I liked to much the class of today Mrs. Quenan.
During this journey i have learned alot about space. I learned that the milky way is a black hole and theres more than one in space. I also learn what the sun,planet,nuebla,and galaxy are made of. I learned the stages the sun go through. Finally i learned about the cycle of a star. Thats what i learned in mz.Q 3rd period class. By:Amber Edwards
There were many things I have learned in class today. One thing I have learned is stars die out. When stars die they turn into black holes. Another thing I have learned is that new stars are born. New stars that are born are called nebulas. The last thing that I learned in class today is that you can't land on a star. The reason that you can't land on a star is because it is made of gas. Those were three things that I have learned in class today.
Javante Hill
i learned that there r many tpyes of black holes and diffrent names for stars that cant be flown to
I learned alot about space, and how stars die, and black holes.i learned alot about space like the sun is a star and pluto is a dwarf planet and its a risk going into space.i learned that stars do die and stars are born from nebula and learning bout stars are intresting.i learned alot about black holes like you can die if you go through a black.by:jw
Today I have learned a lot of new, and interesting information. First, I learned about black wholes. Black wholes are created after supernovas. Then, I learned about the red>spectra. By using the color spectrum, you can figure out what a star is made out. Last of all, I learned that the sun will end up as a white dawrf. It will end up as a white dawrf because it is not big enough to end up as a black dawrf. Those are all of the things I learned today.
aaaaah the red wasnt supposed to be there. stupid html.
I learned that a black hole is born when an object becomes unable to withstand the compressing force of it's on gravity. Another thing that I learned is that a star can become a black hole because, it's center is so hot and dense that hydrogen nuclei fuse together, creating tremendous energy.
in 3rd period i learned about outer space. First all of i learned about the spacta. i learned about the life cycle of the stars.I understand more about blackhoies and how they are made up .and finnally i learned about the stages the sun goes through. QUAENTERICA SIMS
This is where 6th will leave comments.
Mrs. Q.
I learned a lot of stuff...i was so curious with the black hole because i wanted to know what happens when an object is send to the black hole
Kevin Os....8
today in science i learned that the sun can not be a black hole its not big enough today i also learned how to apply massacre from natalie. i look good.
i have learnded alot of things about stars. One thing is thats a supernova. It can become a black hole. A big shockwaves equals to a big star. Also a little shockwave equals to a small star like our sun. Our sun will never began a black hole. The reason is because it is too small. This is what I learned today in science.
Anna Oliveira
Black holes go through many stages.I learned that things that go into black holes nothing comes out again. Also black holes have a lot of gravity. Just a reminder black holes suck everything.
Carolina Pineda
i learned that the the sun cant be a black hole because is not big enough and that the black hole sucks evrithing because his gravity is too powerful and it can even suck our sun
alexander cruz, 6p
I learned a lot about stars. one of the things i learned is that the sun will never become a black hole I also learned that a shockwave equals to a small star like the sun.
Dayane Teixeira
Black-holes go through many stages.
Also what goes in never comes out and that is a very good and intreseting fact.
I learned how supernovas' happen and what happens after it happens....I also learned after a super nova a dark era will come and everytihng will be pitch black in the solar system.
Also black holes have so much gravity anything that comes near gets sucked up and dies.
today i learned that stars blow up after a long time. Stars also die aroud the same place ither stars die in.
Yo Ms.Quenan!!!! =D Just to let you know....you RAWK HARD DUDE!! XD haha.
Anyways....back to work....hehe...
1.This is what I learned today in Ms.Quenan's class. 2. I learned that our sun can't be a black hole because it's too small. 3.A star that would be big enough to make a black hole would have to be 3 times as big as our sun. 2. I also learned how to classify spectra. 3. It's amazing how all of these gasses have different wave lenghs in the spectrum. 2. One last thing that I learned is that if you enter a black hole then you won't ever come out. 3. The reason for that is there is way to much gravity to escape the pull. 1. That is some interesting stuff. I LOVE SCIENCE!!
Your extra cool student <3 Cicely.
Black holes are EXTREMELY cool =D =] and....I love smiley faces.....
Kevin Osario says "I love kevin" .
This was a very interesting lesson.
I learned that the sun when it explodes it gets supersized then it uses up all its hydrogen 2. stars can be bown with high mass or low mass(like our sun) 3.only stars with high mass go through super nova.
4.This is what i have learned after the AWSOME lesson("really")
-Felipe M.
This is what I learned. Firstly, there are low mass and high mass of stars. The high mass stars does not go through a white dwarf. Secondly, big stars go through a supernova. The earth will be gone. Lastly, the sun won't be a red giant until five more billion years. Luckily, we don't have to worry about dying from nature explosion. Those are the things I learn today in class.
Naomi Halim
I learned alot about stars etc. I learned about dwarf stars, the sun, and also about the black whole.Dwarf stars are stars that died out (vanished in to thin air). Kind of like dwarf stars, but theres a difference. Dwarf stars and other stars die differently. It also depends on the mass of the star. The black hole is a hole that looks exactly like it is seems to be pronounced. ITS A BLACK HOLE!!!!!
Thanx Mrs.Queenan!!!!
1.I've learned that when stars are born they can either be borm with high mass or low mass (like our sun).
2.I've learned that when stars with high mass go through a super nova.
3.Last thing I've learned was that when high mass stars go through a super nova, they turn into a black hole!
This lesson was my favorite out of the whole year. Great Job!!!
~Dennis Araujo
I learned alot about stars etc. I learned about dwarf stars, the sun, and also about the black whole.Dwarf stars are stars that died out (vanished in to thin air). Kind of like dwarf stars, but theres a difference. Dwarf stars and other stars die differently. It also depends on the mass of the star. The black hole is a hole that looks exactly like it is seems to be pronounced. ITS A BLACK HOLE!!!!!
Thanx Mrs.Queenan!!!!
I have learned about the life cycles of stars. First, I will talk about the wavelenght of the sun. It is made of oxygen, iron, metabalism. After a sun dies it becomes a black hole. Black Holes absorb light and are extremely dense. Now I will compare the Sun to the Earth. The Earth is small compared to the sun
I have learn many thing. I learn that the sun has many form. The black hole is one kind of it. The black hole has the most mass in our galaxy. It even suck the light. The star goes in a pattern. Then sometimes it doesnt. That what I learn today.
Justin Liu
6th peroid
I have learned about the life cycles of stars. First, I will talk about the wavelenght of the sun. It is made of oxygen, iron, metabalism. After a sun dies it becomes a black hole. Black Holes absorb light and are extremely dense. Now I will compare the Sun to the Earth. The Earth is small compared to the sun
This belongs to Timothy Love
I learned that the Orion Nebula is a bright cloud of gas and dust. It's visible to the naked eye!
Second, I learned that big and very massive stars can form a black hole when it explode. This is called super nova. But our isn't massive enough to be a black hole.
Caio Silva 6th
I learned basically three things from these sites. The first thing I leaned is how to find the elements in things in space from that element matching game. That was pretty cool. The second thing I learned about was the life cycle of stars. The animation was cool. The third thing I leaned about was black holes. That was my favorite. Those are three things I learned today.
Jeff Roberts - 6th period
i learned that blah blah blah jusk kidding
I learned that black holes have births.they are born then they die like humans.hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahashahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahyahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahsahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahazhahahahhahahahahahah
today i's learnt thats the perty sun is not able to brecome a black wole.
I learned about spectra and black holes. First, black holes take many processes to happen. There are many stages. Things that go in the black holes never come back out and that is cool(i wish i can throw ZYAIR in there).Spectra can teach you alot about stars and more.
Andrew Lee
There is many things i learned. First i learned about the stars. They are born then the get bigger and bigger till the turn into a black dwaft of white dwaft. Next i learn the spectra. some of the wavelength a bass on their lumisity and temputure. Finally, i learned about the black dwaft. In a black dwaft, nuclear fusion come out and gravity pushes in. Thia is what i learned
- jaquasia
Wow! The sites you gave us were really helpful and fun :]
I learned a significant amount about the spectra. The thing where you had to match the element with the spectra was interesting.
Also, I learned that blackholes have two theories. You can either die or travel to another galaxy/universe/dimension/world.
The life span of a star depends on its size and mass. A star with low mass like our sun lasts longer than a star with a large mass.
I learned a lot today. Black holes probably interested me the most. It really cool that time and light are kind of altered and changes. i dont really think that the whole worm hole thing is really true though. Too me that sounds waaay to fictional; there is no way that the space ship could survive those extremes.
I learned many things from todays activities. One thing I learned was about Alpha Centauri, the closest star system to Earth. It is about 4.3 light years, or 25 trillion miles, from Earth. A stars life cycle is very complex. All stars are born out of huge clouds of molecular gas. The Hertzsrung-Russell Diagram, (or the HRD) that we copied in class, is used to show the relationship between absolute magnitude, luminosity, classification, and effective termperature of stars. It was created in 1910 by Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Norris Russell. I'm sure that I will be more motivated to learn more about stars and our fantastic solar system after this fun lesson!
this activity really helped me learn about space.i learned the life cycle of a star. for example that all stars no matter what kind are born in nebelas.i also learned about the spectra. Figuring it out reallt helped me understand what they were for.finally i learned about the black hole.i cant believe we have a black hole in our galaxy. i really loved this activity.
I really like the black hole websites. They were very imformational and i learned so much! The one that shows you what would happen to a space shuttle going into a black hole was my favorite. The last theory of what would happen was creepy but very cool. if that really was a place to go and get to other galaxies trillions of miles away. its so weird that that could actually be possible. its like a science fiction book in real life. its weird but so cool. like a whole new time demension! if that every happened i would love to go on a trip to the black hole!
1. I learned a lot from Mrs Q's awesome (cough) activity. (just kidding, not fun but learned a lot)
2. I learned that stars are bigger than sun usually.
3. Most stars are born in clouds of hydrogen.
2. There are two ways of fueling stars.
3. They are nuclear fusion and gravity.
2. I learned that Alpha Centuarai is the closest system to Earth.
3.It is home to three stars.
1. These are what i learned from mrs qs awesome ;) ;) activity.
Mrs. Quenan, you read mine and it got lost in cyber space. (just in case you forget, you told me to post this and you DID read it). (:
-Bethany Crooks
*collapses upon self, turns into Black Hole*
Okay, back to seriousness:
I learned a lot in science class today. One thing I learned is that blackholes can collapse into themselves and blast energy from the other end. Another thing I learned is that there is such a thing as a HR Graph. Finally, I learned that guessing the gasses in that wierd activity is they way to go. That is what I learned in Science Class.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm listening to "This is why I'm Hot"
Today I learned about many things. First, I learned more about black holes. They are elusive to our searches, because their gravity sucks in even radio waves. Next, I learned about the life cycles of stars. Stars can end up as either a black dwarf or a black hole at the end of their life. Finally, I learned about spectra. Spectra are what parts of the spectrum certain elements radiate or not. I learned a lot about astronomy today in the computer lab!
I have learned three interesting facts today. I have learned one new thing about the low mass of the life cycle of a star. Once a star starts to run out of fuel, the star becomes unstable and begins to glow right back up again and this is called the red giant phrase. i also learned that once a star's hydrogen has been exhausted, the star will quickly collapse, shedding most of their mass in dramatic explosions which is called a supernovae. when a star starts to collapse, it never stops and the star will soon cave inward upon itself, which turns into a blackhole. The final interesting thing that blacks holes havealot of gravity. whatever comes their way, the black hole will pull it in into the black hole itself. this is what i have learned today.
that was mine above this is jane
Today i learned a lot of interesting facts doing the activities. The most interesting activities were the blackhole, the spectra, and the life cycle of the stars.Ffom doing the blackhole activity i learned that blackholes can be inside of galaxies and that when they first begin they are bigger than the sun. What i learne d from the spectra activity was that there are lots of more stars than wat i imagined on there. Last but not least the lie cycle of a star clip. This clip showed me how in a low mass like the sun the cycle ends as a white dwarf and takes millions of years, but in a high mass the star ends in two places depending on how big the star is and it takes only thousands of years for its cycle. Those are all of the things that were most interesting to me.
Today, I learned many interesting things about our solar system. First, I learned what the sun. a nebula,Jupiter, and a galaxy are composed of. I learned that the sun has magnesium, iron, sodium, and even oxygen. Second I learned about the life cycle of stars. I learned that all stars are born out of huge clouds of molecular gas. Third, I learned about black holes. I learned that black holes form as the last part of the life of a very large star. I now know much more about stars.
I learned a lot in all of the activities.In the spectra activity I learned many of the wavelengths of light from different elements. Many planets and the Sun have elements emiting light in them. I lerned tons about stars in the life of a star activity. I learned all stars came from lange clouds of gas. In the black hole activity I learned everything about them. One thing I learned is that black holes are impossible to escape from because of its strong gravity. Those were the things I learned in the activities.
I learned alot during the interactive lab today. First thing is about spectra. I understood it a little better than when we were experimenting in class. next is the life cycle of a star. When we did our projects with the posters and models, I did something totally different so I learned alot. Next is black holes. Black holes fascinate me alot. They are very interesting. It would be really cool if there were other galaxies on the other side of the black holes. What if there was and there was a galaxy just like ours. What if they were learning about black holes just like us.
Sylvia Kiarie
Oh well, I have nothing else to do so I guess I will write my power writing again.
During this activity, I learned so much, especially stars. First off, a star starts out as a protostar in a nebula (kind of like a hospital for stars). After that, fusion occurs and then the star lives typically for billions of years (note: I am referring to stars equivalent to the sun). When the star is about to die, it expands and becomes a red giant. Finally, it shrinks and turns into a white dwarf. I also thought the black hole activity with the "decoder" page for black holes was really cool! Good job Mrs.Q!..even though you posted it at 12am (:
-Bethany Crooks
1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3
Today in 7th period i learned lots of stuff. I learned how the sun was made and what has happend and what scientists thing will happen. It will not turn into a blackhole because it is too small (3x) but even if it did we would be dead so...Another thing that i learned was thatI played this little thingy where a little star told you what will and has happened to our earth. I thought that that was pretty cool...okay. SO the announcements are on so i gtg. goodbye
There were lots of things that i learned in todays class period. For example, we learned about spectras and that activity was ok. we also learned about the life cycles of stars which i did my project on. Lastly we learned about black holes and that was thew best activity of the day.
I learned a lot of interesting facts today!! The first being there are many fun things to the cosmic spectra! The sun has many other things that gives it it's luminosity. The second thing I learned today was what the life cycle of a star is! This is the sun's cycle:gas cloud, protostar, middle age star, red giant, planetary nebula, then white dwarf that is the life cycle of the sun! The third thing i learned was about black holes. Black holes are really big and you wouldnt want to get sucked into one because what ever goes in never comes out! The last thing i learned today was about the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Which is the diagram that shows the relationship between absolute magnitude, luminosity, classification, and effective temperature of stars. That is what i learned today in the amazing class of Mrs. Q!!!
Im sry im posting now but there were so many people bloging in class that when i typed my blog in it woundnt let me post! Anyway, the activities were really awesome!The black hole and the star rearanging were fun and helped me understand black holes more than just a pic that looks like a tornado. The alien things were quite odd... but there were a lot of random but cool things about the univerese and ect.
We needs a new blog Mrs. Q, maybe about our favorite movies?
This blog is tight yo.
Ms.Queanen, I learned a lot about friction and how we move.The car wouldn't move unless it had friction.When you have alot of friction, you will not move.The more mass or weight you have, the farther you will go.So the truck went further depending on the more mass or weight. I also learned that on the roller coaster it wouldn't move without friction. The ice made the car go tthe furthest.
Cassie S.
I leanrned a lot about science today. I learned that the more wight on the car the faster the car will travel. i also learbes about black holes and spectra. blakeholes ate holes that you coulde be sucked into.THe black holes is a black star.The last thing is is what will happen in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.In that time it will be the dark era were it is pitch black everywhere. our galexy is 3 times bigger then our sun.
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