President Bush Signs Bill - statement from George Bush about the Energy Policy Act of 2005. This is where you will find info about the bill.
Web Exhibits - DST - A history of Daylight Saving Time - be sure to check the links on the left of the home page for more information
Y2K Again? At - A CNN newstory about the potential for computer problems because of the early DST switch this year.
Write Your Representative - How to find your representative (for the persuasive writing activity)
How to Adjust to DST - article about how people can better adjust to the time change (the fact that we need to work this hard to adjust might tell you something)
More on Health Effects - more information about the health effects of adjusting to the time change
Some People May Lose More Than An Hour - an article describing some of the additional negative effects of the DST switch for some people
National Geographic - more information on the history of DST
Daylight Saving Time Save Energy - from a California state government site promoting the energy saving benefits of DST (CA was trying to go on DST all year in the early 2000s, due to an energy crisis - it was their research that led to the development of the Energy Policy Act of 2005)
Time And - more info, including a link that shows where DST is being observed world wide
Reminder - the Spring Equinox was on March 21st - on that day, the daytime and nighttime hours were the same. Keep that in mind when analyzing your data, and formulating your opinion.
If you do end up working on this over Spring Break, and have a question; post it here, and I will answer it - our e-mail may be down for work over break.
1 comment:
Hey mrs. Q
did u hear about the shooting in Virginia? That is just horrible. At least 33 ppl that they are sure of have died. That was just a shoker. When i saw it on the news this morning, i woke up imediatly
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