How could I forget Crater Lake? This volcano absolutely fascinated me as a child. During an eruption about 7,700 years ago, the top of the volcano collapsed into the empty lava chamber, creating a huge calder

a that filled with water - this became the lake. The original peak of the volcano became an island in the middle. Cool, eh?
Its really pretty.
But wait, is it still a volcano? and if so - is it still active?
Hilda,Im pretty sure it is dormant. that would be stupid to live on it if it was still active. It is very beautiful.
It's believed to be dormant - not only could it erupt in the future, but it could destroy the lake in the process.
I guess the water has a really pretty blue color to it because of the pclarity of the water and the depth of the lake.
got to sound all smart Ms.Q.-jk
I went to the lake before when i was 8. it was so peaceful and senic. I would love to go again.
The island in the middle is called Wizard Island, and there is another small volcanic island called Phantom Ship, because it looks like a ship sailing in the water.
The lake is the deepest in the US and the 7th deepest in the world at 1, 943 feet deep. Average temperature is a very chilly 38 degrees!
Yeah it does have great scenery. Mrs. Q is that the same with all dormant volcanoes, that they will erupt in the future or is it just the Crater Lake one that is temporarly dormant.
wow, that sounds like a cool volcano! im actually reading a book that involves volcanoes and eruptions. im wondering how they erupt?! are we going to learn about this further into out study of plates? volcanoes, i admit, do scare me though! i dont think i would ever want to be near one!
Volcanoes fall into three categories - active, dormant, and extinct.
Active volcanoes are volcanoes that are currently erupting. There are websites like "Volcano World" that post regularly about active eruptions. Not all eruptions are violent and deadly - some can be studied up close with the right equipment.
Extinct volcanoes no longer have an active magma chamber, so they won't be able to erupt. The older Hawaiian Islandas are an example of this - they have moved away from the magma chamber, and so won't erupt any more.
Dormant means sleeping - most volcanoes fall into this category. They erupt when changes within the earth move magma into the chamber. We know more about this now than we used to. A big clue is when earthquakes happen in a volcanic area - that usually means magma is on the move.
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