First, I wanted to post a couple more pics from Crater Lake. One is a cross section showing the layout of the lake, and the other is of Phantom ship, another volcanic island in the lake.
Another favorite volcano is the volcanic island Surtsey. Surtsey is cool because it was actually "born" on November 8, 1963. It's been particularly interesting to botanists and biologists, because they got to study how plant and animal life arrive and thrive in a new and barren location. Read more here.
So is that part of Iceland or is it its own country?
I believe it's part of Iceland - there's nobidy there but birds, bugs, and plants, though!
Nobody lives there? Thats kind of cool. Why is it only birds, bugs, and plants? Could people live there? So Surtsey kind of protects plant/animal/bug life right? Well i like the fact that people dont live there, because that way the wildlife can live in peace.=D
How can a volcano be born??? Also I cant wait for Monday Ms.Q. The awesome part is that you are my group leader. Yeah!!!! Im so cited! Also, I thought people did live on Crater Lake, you made it sound that way.
Wait, isnt that a building on the island in the other pic for the other blog???
Loren - two different volcanoes - Surtsey, near Iceland, doesn't have anyone living there. Crater Lake is a national park - I don't think people (other than rangers) can live there permanently, but there are cottages and motels to stay in.
I'm sure people live outside the state park limits.
I'm looking forward to the trip too - it's going to be cold, though, pack warm!!!
ohh. I knew that Ms.Q. Just testing you! I cant wait for 2-marrow!!!
I'm sure that it is able to live in Gaby. But I also agree that it's good because then no animals will get killed. Humans also probably don't move there because they don't want to have to worry about Surtsey erupting.
wow, when i go back and read the blog now, it makes sense. Just dont pay attention 2 anything i write, it more than likely is stupid, oh, but still give me points!!!!!!
Loren - a volcano is "born" when it breaks the surface of the crust for the first time - for examples look up either Surtsey or Paricutin.
Zach and Gaby - Surtsey isn't really habitable for people. It does have some moss, grasses, and small bushes for plant life - it also has a lot of birds and insects. There is no consistent supply of fresh water, which is a big problem. Parts of it are also unstable due to erosion. The winds there are regularly about 40 miles per hour, so it's not a very hospitable environment. The governemnt of Iceland probably prohibits habitation due to the fragile environment and its value to science.
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