Monday, March 26, 2007

At Gabriel's Request...

What are your favorite movies? Why?

As a huge movie buff, I have too many movies that I really like to designate any as my favorite. I have some that I will watch every time they are on TV, no matter how many times I have seen them (A Few Good Men and The Shawshank Redemption are two).

We could qualify the questions as well - what is/are your favorites genre(s) of movies? What is your favorite sci-fi, horror, comedy, drama, etc?


Anonymous said...

I like a bunch of movies.

I liked "Caddyshack" due to its excellent repeat-quality (Hey, who stepped on a duck?) and great combo of hilarious actors. National Lampoon movies have all been the perfect combo of naughty and funny. The Godfather Trilogy was amazingly well-done and had the finest acting out of any movie I've ever seen. Schindler's List remains one of the few movies that made me cry, and is one of my favorite dramas. Saving Private Ryan was the best War Movie I've seen to date, hands-down. For animation, Akira, Spirited Away, and a lot of other anime were all really good, both serious and funny.

And of course, who could forget Star Wars?

Mrs. Q. said...

Gabriel - did you see that the USPS is issuing Star Wars stamps?

I am a fan of "Caddyshack" - if you like that and haven't seen "Fletch", then you should check it out.

I enjoyed "The Godfather," but I have to admit, my favorite mob moie is "Goodfellas" - I will watch that everytime it's on.

Believe it or not, I haven't seen Schindler's List - no real reason except the opportunity has never presented itself (it's not on regular TV that often and I don't think of it when I'm at the video store).

Saving Private Ryan was amazing - if you liked that, you should watch Platoon - different war, different politics, different message.

And of course, who could forget the Lord of the Rings trilogy?

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Q! Of all people, I assumed you would have seen Schindler's List!

Actually, I can understand how you haven't, but be sure to see it. You'll love it.

I never saw Plantoon, but I did see a little bit of Full Metal Jacket. I really need to see those two...for a 20th Century Boy like me, the Vietnam War is a war I know surprisingly little about.

Anonymous said...

I like the Little Mermaid and Pocohantas!!!!(The best mvies ever!)
Oh!! but i cant forget the lion king, and my favorite tv show,,,,,,,,,,,,,Barney!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I like Kung Pao (ridiculously funny)
and windtaler...(best action movie of all time.

Anonymous said...

If tommy means wind talkers, it is a very good ww2 movie. I enjoy too many movies to mention: most war movies, indiana jones, james bond, star wars, tons of others.

Anonymous said...

As I recall, you love all the dumb WWII movies where the Nazis are always about to win some gigantic victory, but stopped by squarejawed American Troops (even if in real life the battle was a Nazi Victory, or even a minor skirmish).

Anonymous said...

Well u know what??? Cinderella is better than all those stupid beating people up doing funky jumps movies!!!!!! And to be more serious, forest gump is like the best movie ever invented, if u call movies invented?!

Anonymous said...


*bursts into flame*

Cinderella, except for one part that makes me chuckle to this day, is what I consider yet another racist and sexist movie by Disney.

Forrest Gump, however, is good, I'll give you that...

And I saw Goodfellas, but I didn't like it as much as I thought I would.