Thursday, February 15, 2007

Houston, We've Had a Problem!

We've been watching Apollo 13, one of my all-time favorite movies. I was four when Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon, and I have been fascinated with space travel ever since.

I love to show this movie as part of my space unit because it shows so many things and invites so many questions. Rather than posting my thoughts, I'd like to invite you all to peruse some of the links, and post your own thoughts, questions, and answers.

Apollo 13 (the movie)
Wikipedia Article
Smithsonian Air & Space Museum Site
Nasa Site
Jim Lovell Information

Questions about dead astronauts? Try here

Questions about space junk? Try here


Anonymous said...

I feel bad for laughing...but some of the things my buddies were saying were really, really funny.

Mrs. Q. said...

If you laugh at this movie, then you have no soul, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Your mom has no soul!

Anonymous said...

I love the movie Apollo 13! it is such a good movie and even though I have seen it one billion times, it was better than doing work!

Anonymous said...

wow that movie was like...woahh.
i liked it a lot and it was really good, however it made me feel rather stupid because i couldnt remember if they were going to live or die. Of course at the end of the movie i found out that they lived. i think that not many people understand how dangerous this missions was, i didnt.


Anonymous said...

make more blogs Q!!

Anonymous said...

Although I have seen it countless times before, it has become somewhat of an annual tradition for me, so it's okay because it is a good movie.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Lauren Apollo 13 was such a good movie. Between Gabriel tricking me and me being confused, I thought they were going to die. But as it turned out they survived only barely and everyone was excited. If i was on that trip I would have been so excited. The movie was AWESOME!!!

Anonymous said...

It was hilarious; I got you all sad. You looked seriously crushed until...

"Houstan, we have landing(or whatever the line was)"

You were so (0_o), it was hilarious.


Anonymous said...

First of all i ws practically laughing at the fact that they almost had a successful mission and they were about to die(at least that was what you tricked me into thinking). Second of all wat does "BAN YOU HA HA HA" mean. And third of all you have a book to read and homework to do so u need to get off!!!

BAN YOU HA HA HA (watever that means)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

BAN YOU HA HA HA is of my own invention, inspired by a snibbet on the Something Awful website.

And do you really think they'd make a movie about a failing mission? If so, there would have been a Challenger and Columbia movie too. Silly Willy.

Anonymous said...

Who posted that weird story, anyway?

Dying from a

Anonymous said...

I thought the movie was great, I learned how much effort and commitment it takes to become an astronaut and how easily you can be prevented from going to space. Mrs. Q, how much money does the government spend on each launch?

Anonymous said...

Yes i kind of did think they would make a movie about a failing mission to outer space because it tells a story. And they wouldn't necesseraly make a movie about Columbia and Challenger just because of making a movie about a failing Apollo 13. o and my name is not SILLY WILLY!!!


Anonymous said...

How does everyone like my German name (its not real). Gabriels German name is Ghisbriheel Denishbrehof.


*(lOnG bReAtH)


Anonymous said...

Sry Mrs. Q 4 being so off topic on the blog, but it is a blog and u dont count them n e way.

Anonymous said...

Will, 1, u spelled my name wrong.2, u and gabrile need 2 stop having ur little sissy fights on the blog, and 3, stop acting werid.

Anonymous said...


Actually, I'll start calling you Lauren. Ooh! What now!

And Will, for a straight-up Gangsta, you're pretty white.


Anonymous said...

o. ur cool gabriel...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

u r cra z

Anonymous said...

apollo thirteen was an amazing movie. i loved how we were able to learn about how a real spaceflirt operates, and how it can go wrong. it was alot of fun!

Anonymous said...

i meant spaceflight hah

Anonymous said...

The Apollo 13 movie was awesome! I really wish I could've finished it with everyone in class, but I was absent...


Anonymous said...

Spaceflirt...funny mental image there...

*imagines some 70's bar, the Apollo 13 Capsule strides over to the Apollo 11 Capsule*

"Hey baby, what's your sign?"

"Back off, I have a boyfriend."

*Space Station Mir walks over*


*Apollo 13 has its butt kicked by Mir*

Anonymous said...

The Apollo 13 movie was AWESOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME. I never thought that the astronauts would actually survive and they did!And it also gave a more clear understanding about how a human stsys alive in space.

Anonymous said...

Yah I really enloyed watching this movie, especially since me and a couple other Sope Creek kids actually got to meet Jim Lovell in Elementary school. It makes the movie all that much more suspenseful.

Anonymous said...

spaceflirt, stsys, enloyed, and whatever gabriel was taliking about. yep, were a unique class.

Anonymous said...

Apollo 13 is such an amazing movie Mrs.Q. My favorite part is probably when they land in the ocean at the very end, but a really intense part of the movie that was somewhat of a miracle of figuring out, was when the workers in the houston headquarters created that device that helped the crew to travel back to Earth. I also agree with Brianna on the face that this movie opened people's eyes to what exactly happened with the mission. Oh, and Kevin Bacon is like my hero so it made the movie even better (:

-Bethany Crooks

Anonymous said...

*on the fact that..

Anonymous said...

HOnestly, i did not like apollo 13. I kept falling asleep and then waking up watching them still yapping on the space craft. I like armaggaydon much more, it kept the tension up and stuff.

Anonymous said...
