Salvador is a very large metropolitan city located about 13 degrees south of the equator. It is on a pennisula, with one side being bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and the other side bordered by Baía de Todos os Santos, or the All Saint's Bay. Salvador was founded in 1549, and was the original capital of Brazil - it's still the capital of the state of Bahia.
This was my second time in Salvador - the last time I stayed for about three weeks, living with a family, and attending language school. This time I'm in the same neighborhood, but a lot closer to the school that before. I am staying with a very nice woman named Norma who works in tourism. My room is very nice, and it even has a double bed which is a treat.
We went on the city tour yesterday (see pictures), and we went to some places I had been last time as well as some some new places. We went to the park Dique do Tororó, with the Orixas - African god/desses - represented by statues in the lake. We also went to the Igreja de Nosso Senhor do Bonfim - one of the oldest churches and one with a custom of tying colored ribbons on the fence to represent prayers - when the ribbon falls off, your prayer is answered. I went there before but this time the church was open - it was very pretty inside (I don't like taking pictures in the churches - it seems sacreligious). There were a lot of peddlers selling their wares - I was prepared this time. We also went to Forte Mont Serrat, an old fort. I got some cool shots there - there were some horse just roaming free, eating the grass! Finally, we went and had some sorvete - ice cream - yum!
hey Mrs. Q
How r u??? How is east cobb???
I have now survived 2 weeks of high school and think that i can handle the rest of the time. I have Honors Biology just like you said, Acc. Math, and other subjects. The school made Victor move to another High school because he doesn't live in district. It was pretty hard for us to find our way around school
the first week but then we got settled.
I'm trying to apply for chemistry 1 for the second semester and also for magnet for 10th grade and hopefully will get in.
this friday's the pep rally and seniors plan on dumping water on us.... "that should be fun"
How r the new 8th graders???
How are our last year teachers???
Are u coming visit wheeler sometime??? I heard that Ms. Young came a week ago.
Have Great day
-Aravind Ravi
Hey there Aravind! I'm sure you will be FINE in school - do you like you classes and your teachers? Good luck with trying to get into magnet - I have a feeling there'll be some slots - I've heard that some of the student sdon't really like (I think they're the ones whose parents made them do it).
I'm sad to hear that Victor had to move - are you keeping in touch?
Ah, the annual dumping of water on the freshmen - the senior hit squad - wear a raincoat! Have fun - in four years it will be your turn.
The new 8th graders are pretty good so far...time will tell, lol.
I might pop by - I usually have to go over there for one thing or another. I also go to some of the sporting events - I see a lot of my former students at the football games!
Hey Mrs. Q
How r u???
My classes are great I really like the teachers. The thing that I really like the most is the smart board. Did u guys get smart boards in East Cobb??? The only thing in Honors or Acc. is that they move faster than the on level classes. So far we have done one project in Biology on cells.
The pep rally was great.
The dumping of water - not soo great
The students were soo scared about getting wet. But it was just water coming out of water guns. No one really got that wet except the people who were sitting in the front. The other classes started chanting Go Home Freshman!!!, No one really got that offended by it.
The senior lobby was all blacked out in the morning and seniors didn't let anyone go in except other seniors.
Is your son a senior??? Did he tell u anything about it????
Did u go to the first football game??? I couldn't go. What happened???
Take Care
Have a great labor day Weekend!!!!
- Aravind Ravi
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