Monday, January 28, 2008

In the News

Pick a story - tell me what you think!

US Spy Satellite to "De-orbit" and Fall to Earth

Builders of the Pyramids Lived Short, Brutal Lives

Are You an "Owl" or a "Lark?" Your Genes May Make the Choice!


Unknown said...

I really find this scary and hope it doesn't fall in any land. I hope it falls in the Pacific or some other ocean. We should all be careful and listen to the news everyday for latest updates. I think that the NASA should send some kind of electromagnetic waves and try to pull it back to its orbit or try to move and dispose it in the Pacific Ocean. Last but not least....if they couldn't do any of this..I hope it doesn't land in America or harm people of other countries.

Sana Y said...

Builders of the Pyramids Lived Short, Brutal Lives

I think it is pretty scary to watch youths to carrying such heavy loads as they were described in the article. Surprisingly, not many lived after the age of 35. Something even more shocking to me was that a third of them did not even live till they were 20. The only part that confuses me is that where did the adults come from? Why were they not affected as much as the children? Is it because the foods grown there lacked nutrients?

Sana Yasmeen =]
3rd Period ♥

Mrs. Q. said...

Aravind - the update on the satellite is that it was shot down - which now opens up a bit of an international controversy about weapons being shot into space.

Sana - I thought that article put things into perspective when we as American complain about how tough we have it.

Anonymous said...

i personily think we are all gonig to die!!!! But i will try to stay positive here. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it will not land anywhere close to me and my family.

ok, i have been thinking about it..what if like some type of alien comes and takes it and like uses it againist earth. ok wow i always think negative but it could happen. Ok back to the subject. I think they should do everything in there power to try and stop it, Because if they find out were it is going to fall 24 hours before it does, that is not enough time for everybody to clear out of that area so that nobody will die. I do hope though that it will just land into the ocean and we will only expiernce a small side effect.

Courtney Sutter :)

Anonymous said...

It is very sad to see hoe the teenagers who lived back then only lived till about twenty. Now that i think about it, so many people complain about the duties they have now and we dont have it half as bad. Those poor kids never saw their grandson or grandaughter, and it is really sad. They were probaly beaten to if they didnt do their work right, or something like that.

courtney suter :)

Unknown said...

I found latest info on this topic "Spy satellite falling on earth."
go to this website

Nate Doggg said...

Ooo, Courtney used profanity in the first line of her second post..

Anonymous said...

i am back!

well this topic that i am about to talk about isnt in your choice of the news but i found some cool stuff and i would like to share!

ok, so my favorite show is CSI and i am really into the whole finding out who killed the other! :) but now CSIs have a new tool in their little kit thing. apparntly they can find out were somebody has recently lived or traveled by looking at the chemicals in their hair!

Scientists at the University of Utah have found that the ratios of different forms of hydrogen and oxygen in local drinking water vary from region to region across the country.( i copy and pasted that but the more easy way to think about it is that the water has different stuff in it from region to region, and it all ends up in ur hair) These elements are put into the hair as it grows. i judt though thtat was really interesting so i thoguht i would share!

courtney sutter! :)

Anonymous said...

O MY GOSH!!!! i think about how much i complain about all the hw i have ot do and just put my head down in shame when i think of how the people of egypt many years ago were litterally WORKED TO DEATH!!!! i mean they had to work at such a young age carrying all those heavy bricks and carry them up to 1.5 of a mile!!! they would have loved to trade places with me in a heart beat!!! i mean i get to stay inside where it is cool, hang out and talk to ffriends when i want, and not to mention get my own freedom!!! i really hate myself...
=( Lindsey...

Nate Doggg said...

This comment is on the internal clock cells article. I think its really cool all the stuff scientists are finding out each day. I previously thought that pretty much every body function was controlled by the brain, but this article showed me otherwise. I guess this just goes to show how much complexity there is in the human body that we dont even know about.

Nathan N.

Nate Doggg said...

Wow. Nowadays people pretty much think of your aduld life just starting around age 20. But in Egypt most of them were already dying. And to think that even when they had such short lives, almost all of it was spent on intense manual labor for some mythical god the pharoah wanted to pay tribute to. Still, however depressing this sounds the Egyoptians are still credited for their man-made wonders.

Nathan N.

Nate Doggg said...

I agree that there is nothing to worry about. If its only the size of a small bus it will most likely burn up during reentry of the atmosphere. But just in case, I might be looking up sometimes to make sure...

Nathan N.

Mrs. Q. said...

To those of you surprised by the lives of the young Egyptians, here's something to think about...the concept of the "teenager" is a very modern one, really only being thought of a phase of development through the 20th century.

Children in the early 1900s often worked on farms and in factories - not in some faraway third world country, but right here in the good old U.S. of A.