Tuesday, December 04, 2007

We Are The Web

For most of you, life without the computer or the internet is unthinkable. Your generation is the tech-connect generation - you think first of the internet in terms of getting and sharing information - MySpace, Facebook, Photobucket, YouTube.

I look back at how the computer has changed in my lifetime and my life. When I was in junior high I got to learn some BASIC - the programming language "of the future" - we don't use it anymore. By my second run at college in the early 90s, word processing was a wonder and a timesaver - as was the computerized card catalogue (you guys have NO idea...ask your folks about the old version of that). I couldn't believe how much easier writing papers was.

Now I have a computer in my home, and I use the internet everyday - e-mail, IM, Napster - shopping, reading, playing.

Watch the video - what do you think? Where do you think technology will be in 30 years, when you are about the same age I am now? What will YOUR kids understand that you don't?


Anonymous said...

It really amazes me how much technology we have today. All of which, I can't live without...Especially the Internet. For me, it's come to a point where I freak out if I don't have access to it for a project or even just a personal choice. It bothers me not having all the options in the world.
As for future technology, I'm actually kind of afraid of what is to come. I mean, just a few days ago I saw a commercial advertising a robot dog as a child's next best friend. That's what I call sad. I think that it will eventually come to a point when humans will have no need to interact with others at all because of all of the technology. That's the really scary part.
I'm almost positive I'll have to force my future kids to go play outside with their friends instead of IMing (or whatever it is they'll be doing then) them instead the way things are going. Don't get me wrong, I love technology but too much of a good thing is never a positive.

suckstobeyou said...

Your right Mrs.Q i cannot live with out my internet [lol]. Its wat im using right this instant!!! Internent is ppls way of talking fast and looking at cool stuff on the web like your blog and im happy about that. Youtube is the coolest though we should record a video [like the 8A team for crank that Gentile] called crank that Quenan. It would and will be a hit dude. Also i agree with Cassia i LOVE technology [my phone is #1]. Well i hope more ppl replay to this one. Seeeeeeeeeeeeeee yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Peace out my home skillets

suckstobeyou said...


Anonymous said...

>>wow that was cool. yeah i would probably die without technology.. literally, like my phone, internet, AIM, and this really cool blooging thingy!!!!
buy yeah, its instant! you can talk to your bff in china as fast as you can type!!! when you think about it, its kinda like MAGIC!!!!! its AMAZING!!!

but i agree with cassia, its pretty scary, but its fun and awesome at the same time. internet makes every think sooo much easier, from doing a project to just entertaining yourself with all of the stupid (but funny!) youtube videos.
we should put me, tali, xanna, and kaitlyn's effort point video on youtube.com. its going to be pretty much the coolest video EVER!((besides what'cha know about math!))

ok well im going to go look at some more cool stuff on this website now!! bye bye!

allie said...

I basically agree with everyone else... Technology has absorbed our generation. I'm not quite sure if that is a good thing. I think it would be so weird to not be able to check my e-mail every day or listen to my ipod or call someone on a cell phone. We have adapted to a lifestyle in which we use a lot of technology. Knowing what I know now makes living without technology seem impossible, but really, as Mrs. Quenan said, our parents didn't grow up like this. If you think about it, everything is technology. Without it, we would probably die. We couldn't make tools to hunt or have clothes or cook in an oven or anything. As Cassia said, kids in the future and even kids younger than us right now are getting a totally different technological experience than us. It is kind of scary. My 6 year old cousin can work a digital camera and edit videos on a mac program. A SIX YEAR OLD! As for my future and kids and stuff... I don't really know. I plan to work in the engineering or technology field (if my fashion career doesn't work out) so my kids and I will be on the same level technology wise. Wait no. I want to be more advanced than them...

allie said...

That comment was REALLY LONG! I think it should count for 2 points. it took lots of thought. that was platner by the way.

Anonymous said...

I believe that i will have the same amount of technological knowledge that my kids will.... or maybe not....cause my parents probably thought that and they dont know as much as me....... I think that in thirty years we will simply have a more developed version of the computing system we have now. forget what i said earlier my dad knows more than me hes a DBA (database something something). Personaly I think that computers are really amazing in that they work when all they are, are like a plastic shell with some wires and metal and silicon metaloid semi conducter. and then after it gets semi conducted in the metaloid how is it displayed on the monitor.....it makes no sense..... how can a crystal be a liquid..... Ok so i have no idea how the hardware works but i am really good with computers, so i am going to try my best to keep up with technology and all the little accesories that go with it like mics, cams, digi mobi cams, ipods, fingerprint scanners, printers, scanners, laptop num pads, mousepads, speakers, flashdrives, external hard drives, and most importantly provalogne (excuse spelling)

Mrs. Q. said...

Interesting commnets.

I think it's hard to compare your technological knowledge with that of your parents because adults and kids tend to use it differently. Kids are much more comfortable with using it for keeping in touch with their friends. They also don't seem to have as many issues with putting their information online - I think parents/adults tend to be more reluctant.

Grown-ups tend to use technology for accomplishing tasks - buying things online, banking, etc. kids may know more HTML, but parents might know more about programs they use at work such as powerpoint and excel.

Talk to your parents and find out what knowledge you share and where it is different.

Natalie said...

that film was kind of intense. I think it was really intreresting and amazing, but intense. The music only helped make it more intense. Thank you for intesifying my look on technology. Bye Mrs.Quenan

kellster said...

Wow...technology...I don't know what i would do without it. I could never live without my AIM...or cell phone. But anyways I think it is amazing that people actually invented the computer and internet. It helps you get research faster instead of going to a public library. It also lets you communicate with people faster. The only bad thing I have about this is that there are some people that love their computer a little to much and are on it all the time(yes, sometimes i comit the crime myself). It can keep people from doing things that really matter. Like enjoying time with your family or outside playing a sport instead of sitting on the computer all day. But other than that i <3 computers!

---Kelly =D

lindsey said...

i totally agre with cassia, the sad part is one day we will all get so fat and explode from never getting the chance to go outside and play rather than sit on our big fat butts and staying on the computer all day!! sorry but that's what i think will happen. i do love the computer and internet so i don't have to go to the stinky old public library that smells like feet...not like i no how that smells...anyway like mrs. quenan said we all love to txt and AIM and all that crap, but we need to keep our lives balanced between exercising and using all of our gizmos and gadgets, even though i can't talk... oh well,CHAO FOR NOW!!!

Mrs. Q. said...

Lindsey - you are right, balance is good.

And Kelly- research is SO much easier than when I was a kid - you have NO idea.

Natalie - once again, a very intense comment!

Justin said...

Lol, actually i heard from my mom mrs.Q that she waited at this huge comp in her college all night to print 5 cards of notes from internet. She had to sit there all night long. That really is interesting how many things we have today from a sense of technology


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it really amazes me of how far technology has come. I hear my grandparents talk about how they can not even work their own cell phone, when I can find or do ANYTHING on my phone. It amazes them how fast I can text, and find something. I think it's so cool how they have experiances of both worlds, when I can't even imagine a world without technology. Its sooooo needed in life today. For example, school [[homework]], comunicating, research, etc. I just thibnk it's so amazing how far we've come.
In 30 years, I expect us to be in flying cars, robots doing chores.....sike! That is just liek form the movie "MEet the Robinsons" lol. Well, i actually think that we will not be to much farther in life from today, but thins will be a little easier.

~ Xanna Montana!!! ~

Mrs. Q. said...

Xanna - it's true you can definitely see an age gap - I consider myself very technology comfortable, but there are lots of folks my age who are not - and my kids still do things that I can't or don't.