I am completely fascinated by Mt. Everest. The mystique it holds for me is far beyond the mere fact that it is the tallest peak on our planet. The fact that it straddles the borders of Nepal and Tibet, places of exotic beauty and wildness, is part of it. The fact that the very thing we need to survive - oxygen - is in rare, even deadly, availability is a thought that thrills and chills me. The fact that reaching the summit is something few have accomplished and that was only first done last century is mind-boggling. Finally, the fact that the mountain can KILL - that people trying to reach it's mystical peak have DIED in the attempt, opens up windows in my imagination.
I have long given up my dreams of climbing the mountain; it is far too dangerous, and I no longer have the time or inclination to learn extreme mountaineering (although I hold out hope of being able to go to the base camp some day). I still indulge in my fascination through reading, TV, and movies. Two of my favorite books about the mountain are Into Thin Air by John Krakauer and Ghosts of Everest by Larry Johnson (see my earlier post about these books). I loved the IMAX movie Everest, which was recently re-released and played at the IMAX at Fernbank.
Lately I have been enthralled by the Discovery Channel series Everest: Beyond the Limit, which follows a group of climbers in their attempts to reach the peak. The Discovery Channel website has a lot of cool interactive stuff - puzzles - even a game.
After exploring some of the links, tell me what you think - is climbing Everest something you would ever consider?
This article is really amazing and scary at the same time, but I might also want to climb the mountain because if you made it up till the peak, it would be a lifetime accomplishment and your name would go into the world record books. All you have to do is take some food to eat on the way, some extra warm clothes and extra extra oxygen cylinders.
Overall I think that climbing Mt. Everest would be fun and maybe dangerous.
It's really cool that people climb Mt. Everest. There must be a really good veiw from the top of the mountan. Like Aravind said, you would need to bring some oxygen tanks just to make sure. That would be bad if you didn't..... Climbing Mt. Everest would be fun and really cold!!!
Elizabeth B.
Hi mrs. quenan
hope your having a good day
see u tomorrow
Does this count as 1 point for the effort points????????
Hi Aravind - your first comment does, but, alas, not the second one - thanks for wishing me a good day though :-)
I would rather not climb Mt. Everest. I love all of my fingers and toes and would prefer not to loose them to frostbite. I also don't really enjoy being a walking cotton ball (a cold one at that) climbing up the side of a ginormous mountain with the risks of avalanches and such. Since air at that high of and altitude is pretty thin, that would cause quite a few problems as well.
Then again, I'm sure, as Elizabeth said, the view must be awesome at the peak of Mt. Everest but I don't really think I'd risk my life for something I could Google to see instead. So, I think I will someday go to the base camp like you want to instead of going all the way to the top.
I also enjoy Everest: beyond the limit and watch it every now and then. I have thought about climbing the mountain before and if I get the chance I will. It is not a specific goal of mine to climb the mountain, but, I think that life is such a weird unexplainable thing and death is nothing more than something that we are naturally opposed to. So even though it is risky and dangerous i would do it.
Cassia and Elizabeth - when I was younger, and in better shape, I think I might have taken the risk. But now, especially after reading how dangerous it is - people DIE(!!!) - I realize my days of crazy adventures like this may be over.
Plus it costs most people between $25,000 and $50,000 to do this. Do you think it's worth it?
I dont know if i would ever climb mt.everest, the risk is to much but the sight would be awesome man. I've watched that show before and it's like reality tv [lol]. They fight to the top because if one guy goes ahead they have to get him and turn around because he wasn't patient enough. If i could die anywhere it would be there because i would die living my dream [this would be after i went skydiving].
How much effort points is this?? BYE BYE!!!!
Agian Im writing this. Mt. Everest, a magical place!! Acually it's a big mountian but a cool 1!!
I agree with Aravind i mean nscary but cool at the same time. My dieing wish "Bury me at Mt.Everest". Thank you thats all i can think of.
Kendra - I've been skydiving - it's great!
As far as Everest goes, the chances to make it to the top can be limited - one little mistake and you might not get to be at the top of the world.
Well actually MT.Everest is so big im suprised anyone bothered get to the top. I meen think about if I went to the top.I would be like."well this sucks!""Ya cabt wait to climb back DOWN!!!"
lol see?
not exactly the most amazing thing in the world but ok.
I beg to differ, Justin - you are literally at the top of the world. That's pretty impressive, IMO.
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