The southeastern United States is in the midst of a record drought - some call it a 100-year drought. While it's true that rainfall in the last few years has been lower than average, the reasons for the severity of the drought are varied - some blame nature, and others blame too much growth and mismanagement of our current water supply. It looks like little relief is in sight, due to predicted low winter rainfall because of La Nina conditions.
How do we decide whether we are in a drought? A group of experts froma variety of agencies look at the following factors:
*groundwater levels,
*reservoir levels,
*rainfall in the past 3, 6, and 9 months,
*expected rainfall in the next 90 days, and
*water use patterns across the state.
There are a variety of simple changes you can make around your house to help conserve water. A simple one is not letting the water run while you are brushing your teeth. For more ideas, click here. What are some things you might try?
This is a huge problem, We could fix it by doing a few simple things everyday. I'm not going to buy any bottled water from Georgia springs. I'm also going to put a bucket in my shower to catch excess water to use for other things. I will make sure the sinks don't leak or drip. Most importantly I will not water my plants because it's winter and they will die anyway. Thank you for shopping at Kroger. Hobbs Out!
Robert Hobbs of course
Why don't we write a letter to the president telling him that he should force other states to send us their water, and keep water levels the same in every state in the U.S.? I personally think that would be a great idea if it would work. I don't like saving water. I would rather just leave the water running while I brush my teeth. It is such a hassle trying to conserve every little drop of water. Also, I like taking long showers. Sure it wastes water, but I don't want to give up my water-wasting habits. The state thing was a stupid idea, and other states would get mad about it. Florida and Alabama are already mad at us, we don't need to make other states angry, too. So how was everyone's four-day weekend? Did anybody go anywhere?
I think chuck norris would solve our problems. Or maybe not. I think we should all use the Navajo's way of life. Live with mother Earth and father Sky. Take only what you need and give back what you use. Maybe the indian warrior dude on my monitor is inspiring me to say this but whatever. We all just need to be grateful for what we have and use it wisely. Hobbs again...
Zoino, stop being mean to me
there are many different ways you can save the water. Actually, we just wrote a 200-500 word essay about how you can save our water just at home. my dad always puts rain barrels out when it rains and he then uses the water he collected to wash the car and water the plants. we give our dog, Zoe a bath weekly and we save that water to help water the flowers in the house. i feel that if everyone did what my "great" family does then we would save lots of water
Lindsey Paige
I agree, this problem is huge. However, it is our fault the water supply is decreasding. any people in our community have taken water for granted. Leaving water running may not seem like much, but think about thousdands of people just letting it run down the drain. I am definately not putting a bucket in my shower. Robert is the only guy who shops at kroger, or even shops for that matter. He will probably grow up to be a head cashier and try to date a girl with big ears. Anyway...... ya.
Cool idea Natalie! Too bad it would never work. The president's kind of enjoying his last few days of being the nation's dumbest politician so I don't think he would comprehend what we would say in the letter. I'm also pretty sure that you're the main cause for the drought. We should probably stone you for wasting all the water. Take a bath instead of a shower for crying out loud. Besides this is kind of a science blog not a let's ask people about their weekend blog. K thanks bye. Hobbs for the third time
lindsey, it is so weird seing you write lindsey paige. Zoino had an exciting weekend i hear. Lindsey, i am going to call you paige from now on. K?
are you kidding natalie??? ok well anyway i agree with the fact that we should NOT ask other states for water since they hate us already. and the president wouldnt listen to us anyway...dont worry i take long showers too...although i have no idea how you people can leave the water on while brushing your teeth. you can always do what my sister does and brush her teeth IN the shower! yeah dont really do that my sister is insane...all right well to answer your question natalie i went to chuck e cheese and had a FANTASTIC weekend.
<3 zoino.
One idea our family has made is putting a bucket when we take a shower and use that to water our plants. Also, like what robert said not letting it leak is a great idea, but when you use it to wash your hands or anything you still waste water. So, to solve that we can plug up the drain and use the excess water for gardening or brushing your teeth. Those are how i would conserve water for Georgia.
I think Chuck Norris is rediculous. His movies are all the same, and all terrible. People can make many simple changes to solve these problems. Take short showers instead of baths. "If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down." Do that only if your family agrees, or else some people may become very angry. My mommy says it's fine to do this, but only at my house. SAVE WaTER, SAvE tHE PlAnET!
Well Natalie, I went to Boston over the weekend. That was really weird because it rained half of the time I was there. There were a lot of puddles that messed up my shoes, so we could take their water to give you a shower or water my garden, or go to the bathroom. I mean, let's face it, we NEED water. Other states have plenty of it that they dont need. We just need to be sneaky about stealing all of it because, as you said, they would probably get pretty mad.
Austin I own kroger. I don't shop there. I'm kind of richer then you'll ever be and I'm only thirteen. So ya put a bucket in your shower. Or don't for that matter but if you want this nation's support then stand up and actually give a care. Nice haircut by the way. NOT! hobbs
Natalie you dont need long showers. for all i care, you can stick your head in a bucket of water and wash your hair its not that big of a deal and just get a wash cloth to was your self. and i think the president should tell every body to send us some water. that would be the only fair thing.
Personally, i think we should go back to the olden days and life with no technology and wash our own clothes and take baths in the river. That would not waste half as much water as we waste now.
courtney sutter!!!!!!!!=)
i shop at kroger! omg austin i saw you at the haircutting place! you look pretty btw. haha jk
<3 zoino
I don't see how many people are able to cut back so much on water usage. I personally try but fail every time. I can't help it if I have to take a shower for moer than five minutes. Plus, now they're telling us not to flush our toilets as often. I know I am speaking my mind, but whoa I have a three-year-old little brother who is obsessed with flushing the toilet. In Kazahkstan, they don't even have to flush the toilets because some people just go outside. There's no way you can stop me from flushing and I might try to cut back on shower time. Plus, Robert, I shop at Publix and Josh and I have races in the old people motorized carts down aisles. Alot more productive than trying to stick my hand in the vending machine to get e free mocha frappucino.
There are many things you can do to help conserve water, but I would begin by urging others to help make others aware of our local situation. Everyone with a home they have to pay for would like to find ways to save money while helping the environment, and this has gradually begun. Some companies have already manufactured products that are more efficient and use less water, but these products are beginning to get expensive. Some cheaper products, like showerheads, are the only products considered to help, but much more can be done. We can reuse our limited water stores, by using old dishwater to water plants, holding washes in the dishwasher or laundry until they are completley full, or even not getting your car washed! Some restaurants have already taken steps, like not serving water unless that is the customer's drink order. Simple tasks like these can make a HUGE difference, and in the situation we're in, we need all of the help we can get!
oh my gosh courtney! i wanna bathe in the river!!!! haha that would be sooooo fun! that is a fantastic idea and im with ya 100%!
robert, you are so mean. Anyway, i already almost got stoned in Language Arts, and I don't want to risk that. Also, I am not the main cause of the drought, it is all lindsay's fault.
I just wanted to say that today my mom informed me that my grandmother is blaming me for the drought. it is kinda sad really. Oh well. also Kroger is lame. Publix is totally better. I live there. Get over it. You guys are just jealous. So there! Also, for like the billionth time, mrs. cody master's mom confirmed, on thursday, that i do not in fact, have scoliosis!!!! Ha Ha Ha!!!
well if were having a "which grocery store is the best" war, personally i vote super stop and shop. i go there and weigh my head where you are supposed to weigh like fruit and stuff and i sit in the cardboard box where the melons go and have races up and down the isles...most of the time they are hopping races and we look retarded but its ok. and the best part is its in NJ so i can go there and not make a COMPLETE fool of myself cuz i dont know anyone there.
but back to water...i think that people showering with a bucket is a really funny idea but it would work. however i dont think that using it to water your plants is the best way to use it. because like robert said it is winter and they will die anyway. use it for something more well i mean you could use it to wash your dog! just kidding don't do that. um so in like 4th grade we got this chart talking about ways to conserve water. and how like washing dishes with a dishwashers uses less water than doing it by hand. and taking baths instead of showers is good too. so be all high tech and use washing machines and dishwashers. and i mean you dont have to stop batheing or anything. just take baths and not showers...cuz i dont really wanna die from dehydration just because people are obsessed with taking really long showers. just take a bath and you can be in there as long as you want. ok i think ill stop talking about people batheing now. and i guess ill just stop talking altogether.
k other people post things cuz i need to be able to respond to someone else so im not talking to myself. cuz i do that a lot and people make fun of me. k im really done now. bye.
<3 zoino
ps. cody masters mom confirmed that i dont have scoliosis either.
pps. i dont know how to spell scoliosis.
<3 zoino
zoino- don't be ashamed, talking to yourself is something that can be fixed. they have classes you can take, i bet. Look into that! Luv u,
p.s. i am not a lesbian
So ya. I guess we're cool. Watever. I mean ur right kroger kinda does suck. Have gotten free mocha fraps from starbucks before stu. Alrighty so I'm not sure i care about this whole topic anymore. It will work out as intended and we'll be fine. So ya Publix anyone? Haha jk. but rlly chuck norris will roundhouse kick the clouds over georgia and they'll be in so much pain tht they'll start crying. and so we'll have water again. haha zoino talks to herself. kinda funny. imma have to admit. well i think im close to my 10 points already. more ppl post so i can post back. peace out. Hobbs
robert, i don't think anyone is even going to look at this thing beyond posting their one comment. i told josh to read it... oh well
p.s. that was from natalie
yes as a matter of fact i do talk to myself. thanks least natalie was supportive! i will look into taking class. thanks natalie! and i really like how you confirmed on mrs q's blog that you are not in fact a lesbian. i really enjoyed reading about that. i mean i also think that somehow this whole water dealio will work out. it will rain again sometime in GA and then we will all have water and be happy as clams. sorry my mom just said that to me. not about water but just the clams part. ok i really like how i tell you guys all the stupid things my family does. like brush their teeth in the shower...and saying things like "happy as clams"... and if i havent already written it my sister likes to shower with her bird truffles who is indeed a boy. she is saving water because this way the bird doesnt need its own shower. even though birds dont technically need showers. way to go emily! by the way this bird will be the cause of my death. it used to be in our kitchen and it would freak out and shoot its feathers accross the kitchen and my entire family is gonna get bird flu and die. by the way my brother doesnt know our address. sorry i think thats funny. ok well i think im done talking now. cuz i have to go do homework. by the way i really like how tali talked to my appendix today. ok so now that ive said by the way a couple hundred times i think im really done this time.
ps. natalie i never really thought you were a lesbian i was just kidding.
<3 zoino.
someone please write something so i can argue with you.
you really cannot order people to post comments beyond their one comment to the origional question.
Okay, so a few weeks ago, I said I would try to conserve a little. I have not, at all. Its just that I can't resist having super long morning showers to get out my soreness from football practice. The whole "letting it mellow" gig worked for about two days, but I became grossed out pretty quick. I'm not going into detail with it. I would like to apologize to Chuck for dissing his movies. He has saved water by turning off the faucet. I can't spell faucet...
luke the wizzard!!! <*8^) i forgot my password and am too lazy to make another account
this doesn't count, but i thought it would be cute to put a heart on the page, so here you go.
<3 luke the wizzard!!! <*8^)
Luke - thanks for the update...I think. I'm not really fond of the "If it's yellow, let it mellow" deal is kind of gross - and it's especially gross at work. I know folks are trying to be thrifty and well-meaning, but...yuck.
I find that not running the water while I brush my teeth is the easiest and least gross of all our water-conservation choices.
Mrs. Q.
Wassup, I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY like Brainiac. It really does K!ck @$$ beyond any possible belief. Upload more vids of it and other, "scientifical" vids. Ms. Q, Dis place is off de Hizzy, ME really like all Z vids of HIGHLY reactive materials potentially blowing up a full grown man. Oh yeah, the conversations in class are very amusing to numerous students as well as myself, you know, talking about "balls". I really think that you should constantly update your page on the A.C. webpage, because that is most likely the easiest way for me to find out homework I have previously missed. SO LONG..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is very amusing, oh yeah tahtah fo' now!
Dude, Luke, if you "Let it Mellow", It starts to STINK LIKE CRAZY. That was just a hypothesis, because if I was to "let it Mellow", I guess mold would start to develope. That is most likely because the toilet is not a well confined area, letting bacteria easily slip into the liquid (A.K.A. Pee) and eventually begin to form a moldish substance.
For example, Last summer I went to Australia for over a month and a half. Now, of course we "accidentlly" left a closed, little "sippy" bottle out for the wole time. The bottle contained Lemon-aid, or someother sugary drink. But, by the time we get back, We see it left out. We open the cover, and suddenly see a flower-like mold growing on it.
The flower looked some what like the mold that grew on the Jell-O we saw in class because of it being left out in an unconcealed environment. There also was another type of bacteria the kind of looked like an uncooked, or raw Pot sticker. It made me want to eat it but, of course it was "uncooked" and smell fowl.
So anyways, Bacteria tends to grow on unclean areas. It also spreads after being left out. Did you know that a single bacteruim can live upto 72 hours on one surface, that is basically 3 days for those WHO CAN'T DO MATH, Austin. So that is why it starts to develope aswell as spread.
Jake, you might want to consider therapy.... there's help out there for you somewhere.
Jake - interesting comments.
As far as the other website goes, it's pretty low on my list of priorities, and I figure no one uses it when no one says anything about it not being updated. If you want to be in charge of reminding me in the morning, you can have that job!
For everyone, piggybacking on Jake's comment about mold in "pee," actually urine (we'll use the science word) is sterile when it first leaves the body, and typically converts to ammonia which would kill mold. It does have a distinctive odor after awhile though, and even as a scientist knowing its properties, I still don't like leaving it hanging around too long.
This has also become a world wide problem. In some countries people have water scarcity and some don't even care to conserve water.
From now on I am going to conserve water by not opening the tap for a long time while brushing my teeth, etc. Sometimes there might be a leak in the corner of the street and no one would care. We should inform someone immediately if we see water getting wasted. And always close the tap after using the water. Ok then everybody enjoy your day and hopefully see you in school.
Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!
Who cares if its urine or pee, I like them both, they are both sterile, and I like the taste.
Besides, I was mainly talking about the juice left at my home that started to mold. So is it possible to actually drink pee if it prevents mold?
Whoa jake...
I love to take long showers cause in the morning when i take a shower im freakin cold. The drought will soon be a cause for global warming. Hey, are we the only state that needs the water i mean let the other freakin states send us water its the least they could do for us. I think the drounght could cause ppl to go mad i would if i couldnt take a warm shower in the morning. La Nina is a cause for this.....? Stop it mean weather what have we done to diserve this? I never let the water run while i brush my teeth. oh yeah, ppl dont use this as an excuse to get out of taking a shower thats gross. Some things i might try is not wear some much clothes reduce clothes man [or reuse......pants only pants]. I might try hurts man it does. Also you can help by not watering your plants let them die they dont have a chance. I think we should do a rain dance then when it rains go outside in the rain thats soooo fun. Have you ever wanted something really bad? I want rain [and to go skydiving]. When your brushing your teeth sing the barney song "dont let the water run".
peace out my home skillets
P.S. I'm Kendra
Peace out my home skillets
PUBLIX IS THE BEST GROCERY STORE. Anyway, today on the news, i heard that if we continue to use water at the same rate we are now we will not run out for a year without any rain. I personally dont think it is such a big problem..... or maybe it is, but even if it is I think we should just forget about it and worry about it when the time comes, I mean thats what i do with all my problems and im ok. But seriously, As long as the majority of the population conserves just a little bit of water from day to day we will be ok. Instead of filling up a glass of water taking a few sips and pouring the rest down the sink (thats wat i do atleast) what ever u dont finish drinking u can save for later. Put a brick in the tanky thingy part of your toilet and then when it wont use as much water when u flush it. On a completely different note, I think I might be taking this a little to personally, but I am offended by kendra's "suckstobeyou" username and if it sucks to be anyone it is kendra so I would like to request her to change her username to "suckstobeme"
eleyes- i totally agree that publix is the best supermarket. Shopping is totally a pleasure there! That's why its their jingle. Hoorah!
Well for whoever says things like you don't feel like saving water cuz its such a hastle is wrong. How hard is it to turn your sink knob while brushing your teeth? Although the bucket in the shower thing seems a bit inconvenient to me. I know I wouldn't want to move a bucket around the bathroom in the cold morning while the shower heats up. There are lots of things you can save water by doing like not washing your clothes more than once a week and refraining from washing plates in the dishwasher a lot or more than necessary (i cant spell necesssary).
Oh, and whats with all this random crap you guys put on here like Indians and Chuck Norris movies and Zoino weighing her head in grocery stores and whatever other ridiculus stuff Im reading, huh?
Nathan N. $$$$$$$$$$$$$
I HAVE URGENT NEWS FROM THE GENERAL! ok that was mulan...i didnt just make it up. ummm ok so on my current event for social studies i learned that even though people say that using recycled water to water your plants is good, its...not good...some guy from UGA (a hydologist guy) said that the water is like all bacteria infested and stuff so it's bad to reuse because people can get diseased and stuff...
LOL, I was cranky in my last comment...
Nathan N. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Aravind is right - this is not just an Atlanta problem - Australia and other countries are having huge issues.
Jake - I'm not quite sure what to say...
Elyes - we do need to be concerned, because if the water gets much lower, they will start rationing it - that may mean something like only having running water every other day - that's not fun!
Are you truly offended by Kendra's screen name?
Nathan - I'm not quite sure what the other nonsense is about - I'm all for having a little fun, but if it's inappropriate, I'll delete it, and if it is too silly and off topic, I don't count it.
Zoino - it's true - I read the "grey water" article - it's not so good to use after all.
Finally - Mr. Q only shops at Publix - he hates Kroger. I don't care - I hate grocery shopping anywhere.
I try to save water by making sure there are no leaks in the sink or bathtub. I also cutt my showers really short. Whenever Trevor tells me he takes his 40 minute shower I always get mad at People usually just take their water for granted, but at a time like this we must not.
oh for those of you who have nvr heard me called kellster b4 tht was kelly!haha
No, I am not really offended by her nickname. ok so maybe mrs. q is right, it would be really bad if they had to start rationing it ( at which point I could no longer run from my problems)but u gotta do what u gotta do. I doubt it will get that far, but then again maybe i am just in denial. I have started to do little things around the house to conserve water such as taking colder showers to motivate me to take shorter ones. And yes, nate dog, it is that hard to turn a knob when you are brushing your teeth. I personally, think that if we do reach the point of having to get rations then lots of places will help us as we have big brother america on our side who has lots of big guns and smart bombs and might have to hurt anyone who doesent help...actually at our current rate i woouldent be suprised if that happened.
Someone in my neighborhood was actually burning leaves yesterday (not allowed right now because of the dry conditions) and she set her yard on fire - fire trucks had to come to put out the fire.
Some people just don't THINK!
I think i can still put posts here for credit. /it's true if everyone would just save a gallon of water a day by doing a good deed we would have loads of water! Did anyone here of the guy who could drain a water treatment center in one year because he used so much water? His water pump or pipes or watever were enhanced to pump as much water as a water treatment plant!!! that insane!!
I didn't hear about that guy, but I did hear about the guy in East cobb who used a ton of water!
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