Forces in Action: Try this activity exploring mass, friction, and motion: link.
Friction: Try this friction activity: link
Racing Ball Activity - which ball will win the race?
Reaction Time - How fast can you react? How fast can you stop?
Momentum - adjust the mass and speed of the two vehicles and watch what happens.
Leaning Tower of Pisa - drop things off the tower, just like Gallileo
Collisions - change the mass and velocity of two balls and watch what happens
Crash Test Dummies - always entertaining!
Websites with a variety of activities - look for activities that relate to the topics covered in class (force, motion, work, inertia, speed, velocity, acceleration, etc.).
Fear of Physics - lots of good activities here
Physics Lessons - more things to try - go to "i-physics" and then "1-19 Mechanics" on the drop-down menu
Amusement Park Physics - design your own amusement park rides - more activities to try
More... more to try
I think the friction activity taught us how different surfaces can change its speed and distance. The truck one taught me that adding objects can help move it or slow it down. When you add wind resistance with the flags it slows down due to the friction of the wind, that is what i learned.
This is my paragraph on the blog of mrs.quenan. I think that the bbc site is awesome.It has a variety of things.i also like the fearofphysics site. It has things that actually relate to what we do in class.the last thing i learned about your blog is the fact that it has videos on sodium exploding and alkaline metals and h2o reeacting violently to one another. I think that your blog is awesome!!!
This activity was very enlightening. I learned much about friction and forces in action. The friction actuivity showed me that the less friction there is the farther something will travel. The ice had less friction than the vinyl. For the forces in action activity, I learned that there are many different forces that can affect the distance something travels. These include the slope of the track, wind resisitence, and the weight of the traveling object. I learned a lot about friction and forces in action from these activities.
Michael B.
On the activity page I did almost all of them or tried them but three I did were the car release. From the car release i reveiwed motion and speed. Next I did the activity called earth, sun and moon. With the earth sun and moon activity I reveiwed the gravitational pull and how many motnths it takes to orbit the sun- 12. Next I did the activity, how we see things. I learned about reflection and how to make light reflect on a certian object. I also learned many toher things too but these are just three.
After doing these activities I learned quite a bit of information. I learned that the more weight you put in the car the farther it went. The higher the gradient also affected the distance traveled. When you put ice on the road and applied more force the car went off the screen. This is because ice has the least friction of the possible selections. I also learned the more mass and speed the farther you will hit the other object into the opposite direction. This is called momentum. These activities were very helpful in making strides towards learning more!!!!!!!
On the activity page I did almost all of them or tried them but three I did were the car release. From the car release i reveiwed motion and speed. Next I did the activity called earth, sun and moon. With the earth sun and moon activity I reveiwed the gravitational pull and how many motnths it takes to orbit the sun- 12. Next I did the activity, how we see things. I learned about reflection and how to make light reflect on a certian object. I also learned many toher things too but these are just three.
Melanie O.
With the activities, I learned about friction and force. The activity with weights and parachutes was very interesting. Basically, the more weight is on the truck and the steeper the slope is,and the harder the push, the further the truck will go. The parachutes caused friction in the air, making the truck go slower. Friction is cool!
I learned many things on Mrs.Queenans website, but most of it was review. I learned that it takes three things to make an object move. The three things are speed, position, and acceleration. Another thing i learned from the friction activity that some surfaces create more friction than others. In the case of this activty ice created more friction than the others. In the activity conductors and circuits i learned some objects conduct energy while others dont. for example a metal key would conduct energy unlike a eraser. this what i learned on Mrs.queenan websites.
courtney s
the strides towards learning thingy was robert's
I think the friction activity taught us how different surfaces can change its speed and distance. The truck one taught me that adding objects can help move it or slow it down. When you add wind resistance with the flags it slows down due to the friction of the wind, that is what i learned.
The activities we did today taught me about friction and other forces. Friction is really important. Without it, nothing would ever stop moving. We learned about different surfaces, and how they affect the motion of an object. Ice made the car move a lot farther than the carpet did. The distance the object goes also depends on how much of a force is put on it. The more force an object is given, the farther it will go. This is what I learned about forces.
^hmmm that was an exciting closing sentence...
WEll, i think that the thing with the trucks was teaching us that the higher the trach, the farther the truck will travel. but, when you apply the parachutes, it slows the truck down., but, when you apply the weights, it makes the truck speed up. With the friction thingy, when you use the ice, which has the least amount of friction, you can make the car go off the screen. i really liked the fear of physics roller coaster thingy. Lindsay liked the fat kid/ skinny kid seasaw activity. i thought it was kinda sad.
These activities were interesting and helpful to make it so that you can get a better feel for what forces do and are used for.The forces in action activity showed that if you applied more weight,the car would go farther.Also,I think that the parachute made the car go slower and the second slope increased the distance of the car.The other activity for friction, was fun but it took me a while to actually figure the activity out.It seemed that the ice was the frictionless subtance of the four.With the ice the car went past not only the blue line but off the screen.I would suggest using this site again.Thank you.EM.
i feel that the friction activty taught us how friction affects the spped of an object. Also, the slope activity showed us how if an object starts on a slope it will go faster to a further distance unless a force is acting upon it, like weights or parachutes. I totally loved this instead of two column notes and we should do this everyday for the rest of the year!!!! No seriously-- I HATE two column notes!
While I was completing the class activity today, I felt that the website taught us many key components to understanding physics. The experiment with the truck showed us the power of wind resistance. The wind hitting against the parachute expressed the way the wind can slow an object down. Also, we learned that the friction of the surface a bobsled rubs on can slow it down and eventually bring it to stop. Lastly, the weight of an object can affect the speed or velocity of the same object in a positive way. The heavier the object, the farther it will go. The site viewed today was highly educational and brought much joy to my totally snorefest of a day.
my favorite activity was with the fat and skinny kid. i noticed the closer the fat kid was to the center, the farther the skinny kid had to be to make it work.i also did the truck activity. with this you had to have the heaviest weight without a parchute which made it go farthest. one other activity i did was the basketball activity. for this activity you had to throw it 15 mph and stand 10 feet away for it to work. those are the activities i did today.
Lindsey j. wrote this comment
Shelby W.
Friction and force are crazy..without them that would stink. The activity's that we observed and experiemented with today had to do with friction and forces in action. The friction activity showed us that when placed on certain surfaces objects will go further or just keep going (such as ice). The Force in motion activity showed how the more weight on the car, the farther it will travel. Just because that helps it move it forward doesn't mean it is the main cause. The main cause for the car to move in the first place is the inclined slope, depending on how inclined it is is how far it will go. Without these to things he couldn't walk , we would slide, but atleast we would be healthy.haha
(read this comment with a funny british accent.)
That site was highly educational, yo. The activities really kept me entertained, and helped me learn the main ideas. These activities are also good because they are related to what we are learning in class. For example, the friction track game really taught you how different forces and surfaces can change the outcome of the distance traveled by the car. ROCKSTAR!!!
-luke likes to partaaaaay
Heehee I posted two comments...
the friction activity was cool. it was kinda cool to see the effects of the different types of ground. i also noticed how the angle of a car on the other activity made the car go faster
keep putting on games so we can miss school :)
I liked doing these activities. I liked the friction activity. I think that it taught us how all the different surfaces affect how far something goes. The slope activity taught us that depnding on how heavy the weight was the car went different distances. The car went the furthest with the heaveier weight.These activities taught me alot about physics.
-emily d.
he friction activity was pretty cool. I liked that on the best because it has a cool car and it was interesting to see what materials helped the car move further. I also like the truck one mostly because i am a country person. It was also cool because i like playing with weights.
Mrs. quenan is cool
i think i'm gonna go eat a sandwich now, maybe turkey.
I have learned a lot of things from your blog. For one thing, i learned that three things help you to understand movement . These three things are position, acceleration, and speed. One more thing that is of the most importance is to not put a bubble kid and a stick kid on the same see saw! This is because IT IS DANGEROUS and don't assume anything! Another thing is that you should not take your chances getting a lemon for your first car, but to get a SUV for your ride. This is safer because with acceleration and mass the momentum of a wreck would be fatal if you have a lemon. This is what I have learned from your totally tubular blog!
I learned a lot about physics from this site. First, I learned about friction and all the properties of it. I went to that site with the cart where you change the floor material. I also learned about gravety. Like how even very heavy objects and lite ones fall at the same rate. Last, I learned about how changing degrees of a shot can influence if it makes a basket or not. It was fun. This is what i learned.
Nathan N.
This is where 2nd period's comments start.
Mrs. Q.
2nd period Lashawna O.
I learned alot of things from explring this website.One thing i learned was friction helps the rolorcoster come to a stop. If we didnt have friction we would not be able to come to a stop.Another thing i learned was the more weight you have on an object the faster it will go. I know that because in the car activity when i increased the weight it went faster.The last thing i learned is that the heavier the object the faster it will fall. I sighted that by watching different objects fall from a far distance.Those are just a few of the things I learnend from exploring this sight.
the firction game did not work. this is a pertty good site. i would go on it at home.i did not know that some things needed weight to move. this david vincent
I learned lots of things. The car one I learned that ice has less friction. Ice has different names to be called. The car goes faster when you use ice. If you used others it will go slower than ice. The ice has less friction and the others will not go as far because it has a lot of friction. Thats why I like to learn new things on Mrs. Quenan`s website... I would like to learn more things when she puts new things on....
My favorite website was the Fear of Physics. I liked that one because it taught you how the rollor coasters move. They move by acceleration. I also liked the one that taught you about the basketball. I liked that one because it taught you that you should have enough force to make a basket. I like the seesaw one because it was funny. The big guy went down and the small guy went up.That is what i learned form the Fear of Physics site.
My favorite activity in al this stuff is The Fear of Physics. I liked The How To Make Your Jump Shots activity, and the Roller Coaster. I liked the rear of physics one because it was fun and all that other stuff..So yeah!!!!
I learned a lot of stuff about friction how if you dont have enough it will not move of just a liltle movment on the object. i learn stuff about safty on roller coasters and bummper cars.that heavier things make a car go faster.that slower things slow the car down.that all objects can move. that smallers objects go faster.that the surface can change the speed.
what i learnedabout forces is that if you add weigt to something it goes faster.Another thing ilearned is that on a amusment ride it has to be a pacific heigt and weight.And i learned diffrent thing about carpet friction and ice friction.
DeAngelo French
I think the friection activity is awsome along with the bbc websiste. 4 thumbs up for bbc.
This is where third period's comments start.
3 things that I learnt are:
1.)when you drop two objects at the same time from a height with different mass, they both fall or reach the ground at the same time.
2.)I really liked all these videos they were really educative and they gave us a lot of info. about friction, velocity, acceleration, etc.
3.) They also teach us a lot about speed and distance. These activities were really helpful to learn about science.
These are all the things I learned from this website.
ya, loads of cool things are on bbc website and the activities are fun. I think that this blogspot is awsome because of all the videos and links you can put on it. I learn't that a 1999 luxury suv doesn't stand a chance against a hit from the side.
i learned that a caddilac can snap a persons neck and give them whiplash. also that a sled slides better on ice than vinyl
The bbc website is sweet man. Their are so many tight videos and games to play. This webite is really good because it is related to what we are learning in class. The fat and skinny kid activity was funny. I got to melt aluminum, ya man!!!
luke u r retarded
All of these activites were entertaining and taught me a lot! The activites taught us about a lot of different things. Like the second car activity taught us about friction because the car wouldn't go as far if the flooring was something like carpet or wood. The see-saw one was an exaple of making unbalaned forces balanced. From these activities we also learned about motion,force,acceleration, and mass.
i really liked the activities a learned a lot by doing it. i especially liked the one that has a car and you have to put the weight on it,that taught me alot about friction and force.i also loved the train activity it taught me about motion,velocity, inertia, friction, and speed.
I loved seeing all the activities and games that were linked today. They all really showed how what we are learning works in reality. I spent some time on and really thougth it was cool to see it in slow mothion and really what happens. I also liked the car game where we put the weight i nthe back because it showwed how weight also helps with speed and movement. Thank you Mrs. Q for setting this up for us, it was really fun!! =)
I think this activity showed us what surfaces have more friction and what you would use if you wanted less friction. I really liked the bbc website because the games taught you something but you also had fun at the same time. The truck game taught me that if you add more weight it most likely gives it more speed if its on a slope. I really enjoyed doing this. I hope we can do it on otehr units too.
The BBC site explained a lot about friction and weight. This helped because it was nice to see what we were talking about. The rollarcoaster site did not help me it just made me feel bad. They car crash site was cool, I found out that a beetle is very unsafe car. I really enjoyed what we did today.
By: Keely
This activity tought use about friction and momentum which are things we are learning about. Exploring this site taught me many things. Mrs.quenan has a good blog thingy. The activities were fun but there were kinda easy but still fun! The crash cars taught me about inertia and momentum. THAT'S WHAT I LEARNED!! YAY!!
The forces in action activity was longer, and more fun. When we used the bigger parachute, it slowed down. When there wasn't anything in it, it goes further. When there is something in it, it went further than the parachute, but the same as when there isn't anything in it only when there is a heavy weight in it. This activity was more fun than the other one. The friction activity was easy. All you did was see that certain surfaces send things along them faster because they have less friction.
Josh J.
Here are the things i learned in the various activities. I learned whatat a truck will do with lots of momentum into a wall. It will destroy thefront and bend it in half. Another activity I did was the friction car activity. It showed me that ice has the least amonunt of friction and carpet has the most. The last activity was the truck with the weight in the back. It showed that the more weight a truck had in it the more momentum it would build up. Those were the things I learned from the activities i did.
I think that the bbc website was very interesting and had a lot of great activities. The game where you had to choose a different track surface to launch the car on was a fun game and illustrated how different surfaces have very differing amounts of friction. I also liked the game where you sent the car down the hill with different sized wieghts and parachutes it really helped.
Wow these activities were REALLY entertaining. Maybe I'm just easily amused but come on people. I really liked that site whenm you clicked more. It had that neat projectile simulation with all the pretty colors and junk. What's more important is the information, which was laid out very well I must add. I'll add on to this later.
The activities on the BBC websites were very helpful. They helped me to better my understanding of how force act upon things. The truck release activity demonstrated that if you raise the ramp the truck will go farther. I also demonstrated how the larger the weight in the truck the farther the truck went.
i likeee this websie!! it was fun playing all of ur games. i think we should do this with other units too. i played the phsyical proccess and like all of the the living things ones. i played some materials too. well the bell just rang so i cant write much more
it was fun
Hola! Yeah, this is pretty much going to be the coolest paragraph ever! So were writing about the games, I like games, expecially the ones in science class because we learn from them, at least were supposed to :]. I think that was a major run on sentence. So yeah, the game swere good, I am goin to post it now so good bye.
~~ kristina!!!!! Oh snapp!
I think the friction activity taught us how different surfaces can make a huge differnce. I think the funnest thing was watching the crash test dummies die in the progressive crash test videos. i learned some stuff about friction and inertia and I think we should do this type of stuff more often as it is very fun. HALO 3 KICKS UMM NVM
Mariah L.
I learned lots of things. The car one I learned that ice has less friction. Ice has different names to be called. The car goes faster when you use ice. If you used others it will go slower than ice. The ice has less friction and the others will not go as far because it has a lot of friction. Thats why I like to learn new things on Mrs. Quenan`s website... I would like to learn more things when she puts new things on....
Mrs.Quenan is a nice science teacher.
This is where 6th period comments start.
I leanrned a lot about science today. I learned that the more wight on the car the faster the car will travel. i also learbes about black holes and spectra. blakeholes ate holes that you coulde be sucked into.THe black holes is a black star.The last thing is is what will happen in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.In that time it will be the dark era were it is pitch black everywhere. our galexy is 3 times bigger then our sun.THe CAr tavels 100 mph with a big weight n a small paruchute. its all the mass. velocity, and weight in a object.
Just by the games we played today,it made me realize how cool science is. I've learned more about how friction and force works since I've played this game. The first game was called forces in action.This game taught us a real life example. I also learned from that game that it depends on what kind of weight you have so the car will increase or decrease. The second game i played was friction.I just had to change the floor to make the car go faster. Also it depends if you use a big push or a small push. I liked these games because it was fun and it also involved science in it.
Beatriz A.
I liked the games on this site. Also the videos about the car crashes were pretty cool.For the first game delt with velocity, mass and acceleration. - jason
Somethin I learned from Mrs.Q is that friction is very important for us. Without friction we would be slipping and slidding everywhere. In the first activity I did, I learned that the more weight on your care, the faster it goes. I thought less weight made your car go faster.
somethan i learn from the activity is more weight the faster car come. this is helps u learn alot about force. and alot about pressure.
The games in this site are really cool. They are really fun and have something to do with science.On the truck game i learned that the more weight you put on the truck the faster it will go.Also if you combine two different weights or a parachute and a weight it will either decrease the speed or increase the speed. Also on the little car game, the different kinds of tracks and the push affected how far the car went.Some words that these games involve are frictiona dn acceleration.
I learned a lot about different things in science in this activity.I like this site.
Jordanna O. =]
The game wasn't really fun, but I leanrned some things. Such as:The weight of what is in a vehicle tells how fast it is.
This day was filled with not so highly animated activieties related to science on Mrs. Queenan's blog. The more mass and speed the farther you will hit the other object into the opposite direction. This action is called momentum. I learned much about friction and forces in our world. The friction activity showed me that the less friction there is the farther an object will go. I found out thay vinyl has more friction than ice. I learned that the start point of a roller coaster must behigher than the loop. that is called the action of GRAVITY!!!. That is what I did today, the day of boring computer activities.
(I will serenade your ears off with my awsome guitar serenading skills!!!)
-Chris C.
This is where 7th period posts begin.
I learned many things while on your website. I learned that a truck and motorcycle have a head on collision the truck will always keep the same speed and the motorcycle will bounce back twice as fast as it came. you should do more stuff on your webstite ms Q
this is christopher say have a great day alanta.XD
After doing these activities I learned quite a bit of information. I learned that the more weight you put in the car the farther it went.
After doing these activities I learned quite a bit of information. I learned that the more weight you put in the car the farther it went.
Chantil Dawson.
I have learned a quite bit of information. I learned that the more weight you put in the car the move{Momentum}you get.I also learned that friction activity taught us how different surfaces can change its speed and distance.
I learned 3 things about physics while using this website. i learned that the more potential energy an object has the more kinetic energy it'll have. if a roller coaster drops from 100 feet, it'll go further and faster than a roller coaster dropping from 50 feet. I did the friction activity. I learned that ice has the least amount of friction and carpet has the most. I can't slide on carpet, but i can on ice. I also learned that there are mant different forces that can affect distance and speed. If I am going fast and then i hit a pole,I slow down. theses are the three things I learned. -shanice b.
Threre are three things that i have learned about the activies today. One thing that i learned is that a moving object will move faster on ice than on wood. This is because ice has more texture than wood. The second reason is that if u drop an object down a hill it one height then the same object at a lower height then the 1st height will go faster and farther. This is because the height the more mommentum the object has so it can go farther. the final reason is that if you put more weight on an object then it should go farther than an object with less weight. This is because the more mass it has the more it will go because it is heavier. These are three things that i learned.
Kevin H.
what i learned is when the car was on ice it had less friction so it moved farther but when it was on the wood and the carpet it had more friction. when there was less weight in the truck it did not go as far cause it did not have as much momentum but when there was more weight it went farther and it had less momentum.
by:Margaux Rambaud
After doing the friction site I learnedalot about it.
Love Autumn Mccard
Dear Mrs.Quenan. I think this was a good activity to do.It was a fun and intrestng and the See-Saw activity was great and intresing.I would like to do this again someday. Maybe next month or next week the class could do this but a different activities.The Volcanoes were cool "KOOL" I would like to do that.The activities i did were See-saw,roller coaster,friction,build your roller coaster,momentum, and crash test dummies.Alexander Yunayev 7th per
I learned three things while playing these games today. The first thing I learned is the heavier the weight the faster the object goes. In the game they give you a car and you have four objects to put in it, the heavier the object the faster the car went.The second thing I learned today is the surface that a object is on can determined how fast it goes. That's all for now, I'll be back later. Kala
These are the three activities i liked the most. I liked the BBC activity. It tought me how if you put more force on a objet it goes even more further.I also liked the race balls activity. It taught me that whan you have alot of curves the ball gose faster becuse of inetia. And the last activity i like on the blog is momentum activiy. It taught me that the lighter the cannon ball the faster it goes and it produces more force.
This is what I learned and what i really like in your blog.
-Nidhi.S :]
i REALLY LIKE TOU BLOG! I THINK. I REALLY DONT KNOW WHAT TO SAY. i LIKE THE VIDEOS THOUGH! I REALLY LIKE THE LINK THAT TAKES YOU TO THE ROLLERCOASTER BUILDER THINGY MABOB. Its really cool. i also like the link for the friction thing with the car and the different surfaces. I also like the link for the sounds and stuff! your awesome mrs. Q! so bye!
-brandon TRAAAAAAAAAVON holmes 1st period
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