Tuesday, January 02, 2007

You Say You Want a Resolution?

Well, you know, as John Lennon said (the Beatles, back in the - gasp - 60s!), you gotta free your mind instead.

My resolutions are the usual - get organized; stop procrastinating (especially with my grading - yuck); watch less TV (unless it's educational, LOL); eat less and exercise more; save more and spend less - all the usual! And, it's January 2nd, and I haven't broken one - yet.

So, 'fess up - what are your resolutions? Study more? Goof off less? Actually turn your homework in on time?

BTW, the song was Revolution, not "Resolution" and was highly political - see lyrics here, if you're curious.


Anonymous said...

I don't have any resolutions. Why? Because they create an unrealistic expectation that you feel guilty for not following, but don't have the time to accomplish. All they lead to are misery and self-loathing. Sure, I thought of some resolutions, but I realized why nearly all of them are impossible. Bleh.

Good luck with yours, though.

Anonymous said...

I actually agree with Gabriel for once. Don't expect it to happen again, though.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with that statement. If we look back at the 1998 New Year, over 79% of all resolutions...

Oh just kidding. Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

*sigh back to Mrs Q's class :(*
lol just kiddign :D

Anonymous said...


Also, see everyone at school tomorrow.
(Notice: no exclamation marks there.)