In reading through the material, I may need to set up a separate blog for this - be on the look-out!
Please be sure that the questions you send me are related to the study they are doing and the specific research they are conducting.
The expedition's name is "Climate Change at the Arctic's Edge." Click on the links for "Meet the Scientist," "Photos & Multimedia," and "Briefings" (you don't need to read all of it, but do read about the scientists daily tasks).
From the site:
"Global warming is being felt first and most dramatically at the edge of the Arctic, where the world's peatlands run in a broad strip around the globe. These wetlands contain as much as 20 percent of the world's carbon, often locked in permafrost. If global warming thaws the permafrost, the decomposing peat could release carbon dioxide and methane, the most important greenhouse gases. What happens to the peat here will not only alter the local ecosystem, but could also have dramatic consequences for the ecology of the entire planet. "
This is what they are doing:
"In this inimitable Arctic landscape, [the scientists] will take measurements at study plots extending from the tundra into the forest to monitor changes affecting the carbon stores in these peat-rich ecosystems. . . [They'll] also live-trap small mammals, sample trees and shrubs to evaluate their growth rings, and monitor plant development. February teams offer a unique opportunity to experience the edge of the Arctic in its most dramatic season: winter. . . [They'll]classify ice crystals, measure snowpack thickness, density, hardness, and temperature. "
For the story of three high school students who took a year off school to travel the world and do science, read here - that could be one of you someday!
BTW - anyone see today's article about government scientists being pressured to downplay global warming?
*gasp* Goverment scientists aren't allowed to defy Oil Companies, I mean the Goverment's wishes? How funny...
My questions are in the Eclipse topic.
My two questions are:
What is your opinion on how global warming is caused?
What effects of the global warming are you expecting to find?
My questions are also on the eclipse topic!
Ms.Q... Make more blogs!!!!!!!!
ok well you were absent on thursday and i left early on friday so i just realized that i never turned in the questions...
What benefits will we get from doing this research?
Why is global warming such a big deal?
Here are my questions:
What kind of disasterous effects could global warming have on us in the next say...... 100 to 500 years?
How long will it take to reverse global warming?
After we finish Apollo 13 u should make a blog about it so that we state our opinion about it. :D
My questions are:
When did scientists first discover global warming?
What are scientists doing today to prevent it?
ive already emailed you my questions, but, i would like to make a comment on global warming. i really do feel like its a problem that the world is refusing to adress. we all need to start to do our small part in helping preserve our treasured planet. small things such as turning off a light in when you walk out of a room can make so much difference. i just wish that the world would make more of an effort to help this problem!
Along with Sarah I believe that this is a problem that needs to be more so acted upon. But, I don't think it's possible to get a worldwide effort toward it until a worldwide negative effect from it occurs that motivates everyone, but by then it might be too late.
I agree with connor. i think it is too late now to reverse global warming because of all the things we have already done to it, but we can try to lessen the effect.
Jeffrey Mwangi
Black hole is this cool and phenomenon hole made of stars that collapse. i also learned that when gravity and pressure from the stars compete the gravity wins, it;s like playing tag of war where the gravity wins.when the star have big or more mass it turns into super nova.When the supernova becomes huge and explode it then becomes a black hole
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