For those of you interested in exploring more...
Wikipedia's Article - additional info and links
Discovery Channel - additional info, links, and a really cool interactive feature
BBC - the British network co-produced the movie, and has some cool stuff on its site
USGS Volcano Hazards site - a lot of good information
Live Science - more info
So what do you think of the movie? Which sites had the best info, graphics, or activities?
I haven't looked at any of the sites yet, but all I can say is this:
Maybe we should build underground bunkers that have artificial lighting run by ethanol burners that only make foodstuffs. Then, we could power the lights with excess crops and give the rest of the crops to hungry people.
That would also work in a greenhouse...
Yeah, I think we should start thinking of things to do so that when the supervolcano erupts, we all won't get killed. In the movie, the show a 3-d image of the the ball of molten lava under yellowstone Park, do they actually use that in real life, or it that just made up?
The moon. (Nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk...)
I think the Discovery website had interesting things on it, I liked the virtual thing about Yellowstone's eruption and what it means to the world.
All of these sites were pretty cool, but Wikipedia had the best definition of supervolcano and I agree with Zach that the Discovery website was very interesting.I liked how it showed Yellowstone and what changes it has gone through.
wow! the movie is INSANE! but, my sister and i were talking about it, and honestly, theres more of a chance that we'll die riding in a car than by a super volcano! we dont freak out about that, do we? but the whole deal with yellow stone park is just so..unreal! i just would never have imagined something like that!
Murphy's Law: If something can happen, it will happen.
Let's hope Murphy (whoever he is) is wrong.
*crosses fingers, hoping all these posts with at least some info will raise his grade from an 80*
Ms. Quenan, I think you should make a blog about the movie.
Will?? I thought this WAS a blog about the movie!
I can create another post, but what exactly did you want to see?
Mrs. Q.
I just got off the wikipedia site and I saw how it talked about past VEI-8 eruptions (JUST LIKE IN THE MOVIE)! I think that's pretty cool but it scares me a little more, thinking of how realistic the movie really was.
I def. think the movie scared so many people in both our class and mrs. sneed's. haha. Super Volcano gave us an outlook and idea of what could possibly happen if the vents were to open and erupt at Yellow Stone. It was extremely horrible and I pray that it won't happen in our lifetime, but if it were to, the movie certainly prepared all of us for the "worst-case senario"(I'm not sure if I spelt that correctly). I also found the Discovery Channel link the most helpful because it provided a 3D model of the magma chamber and the reporter explained what exactly a supervolcano is in a very easy way, which helps people who are totally unaware of the topic understand a little bit clearer. Wikipedia is more scientific and uses very precise words, and I even got a little confused myself while reading.
Overall, i guess i kind of enjoyed the movie besides the whole millions of Americans dying, but it was very informational and taught me a whole lot more on volcanoes and other terms such as VEI-8 plus what may happen to our world. Personally, like Sarah said, there is an extremely slim to none chance that the supervolcano will erupt in our lifetime. We have a greater chance of dying by getting struck by lightning than dying from our lungs being cemeted from volcanic ash. Good blog Mrs. Quenan!!!
-Bethany Crooks
Oh and it would stink if our world had a HUGE climate shift like global cooling..
-Bethany Crooks
Yeah that would stink pretty bad. Along with the whole super eruption thing again, i'm kind of thankful that we're all the way over here in Georgia. You know what I mean?
Brazil also works...if it got 20 degrees colder there, it would only be like Great Britain. Woohoo!
can u make another debate blog???
gaby =D
i think that this volcanoe is very scary! but its a small chance that it will happen in our lifetime right? ihope so!! the movie was very good and i had so many questions about it and these sites helped me answer them so thank you! also a lot of people would live if the people in zone 1 2 and 3 started buildidng shelters with like 2 weeks of food? that would be very good to do i think!
I think before we can think of ways to save everyone, we should think of ways to find out more about the whole supervolcano especially the caldera. If we can estimate about hen it is going to happen, then we can get all the people out of zones 1,2,3,4 and move them into zones 5,6 or even into Mexico or Canada.
zach, due to the fact that it's hard to estimate the timing of a volcanoe like that, if we're not 100% sure when it will happen I doubt anybody will agree to leave their homes to go to the east coast or another country
Besides, our mighty Fuhrer wouldn't dare spend money that could be spent making our glorious Wehrmact stronger.
Don't mind me, I'm just an anarchist...
So theres not one thing we can do?
Like with all this technology theres no such thing as a lava resistant cover or something?
I know its a low chance of the volcano erupting, but i just feel like since it can destroy all of mankind it feels like it will more likely happen.
Ms.Q? r there any other supervolcanoes in the world that could do similar damage besides Yellowstone? I thought the movie was awesome even though i have seen it like 3 times! It seems everytime i watch it though it seems more realistic and that it could happen any day.
ms.quenany?!?! that test was sooo easy! your the best teacher in the world! i love you.
OMG!! Q!!! the project is awesome
ull love it
i hope
that has to do with global warming
who is that long weird name i cant spell???
Your mother. :P
Oww....I got oral surgery and my mouth is all swollen up. I look like Marlon Brando...without the coolness.
loren - there are other possible "supervolcanoes" in the world - I believe the Wikipedia article had some links - Yellowstone is interesting to us because it is ours.
Lack of preparation is a problem in any disaster - natural or man-made. When I lived in California, we were always told to have at least 3 days of food an water in a hurricane emergency kit - funny thing- no one I knew did that. Up north it was a blizzard kit. Here it could be an ice storm kit or a hurricane kit.
As Katrina showed us, the government may not be able to get to you right away, and you need to be preapred to sustain yourself until they do - it's a matter of life or death.
Maybe we could do a campaign next year....
Would the government spend 1 billion dollars making 300 million emergency kits, or would they spend 1 billion dollars on an oil deal with Mr. Hugo Chavez and the Saudis? The problem is, as Katrina demonstrated, the Fuhrer and his cronies do squat in a large disaster, preferring to spend money on building the Second Iron Curtain across Mexico, financing even larger Weapons of Mass Destruction, and getting even more oil. If we are to be prepared, it is in our own hands.
who is marlon barndo?
gabriel i thought we already talked about the whole "anarchy" thing and how it would never work!?
but whatever that was in social stuidies....back to science: yea this movie definately scared me. we should start doing things now. no i dont know what exactly what that is, but we at least need to start brainstorming! im sure someone could invented breathing masks that protect against volcanc ash, th biggest threat. as for lava, there is no warning. people are stubborn and are not going to move unless he volcano is erupting, in which case it would be much too late. so we can cover the ash but not the lava. its a good start i think
the discovery website is the only one i went to but i think its pretty cool. thats so weird how the hotspot can move and cover so muich distance!!!
*sticks his tongue out at Allison and twidles his fingers*
(Just Kidding, but don't be a prude)
Loren, Marlon Brando is the dude who played the Godfather, prominent for his puffy cheeks and incredible acting.
I pretty much have no more good comments to say...just a bunch of nonsense...
I'm pink, therefore I'm spam.
(this is a hint to start a new topic. Maybe a Channukwanza one)
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